
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Clothes & Doll!

Hellooo everyone! Hehe, yup. My THIRD POST!
Right so, on to my post!

New Stardoll Doll & Releases.

You know the spoilers Jenna posted about yesterday? WELL, they come with a stardoll doll to dress-up, AND there released already in the StarPlaza! Isn't that awesome? xD The clothes are fantastic and in my opinion, stardoll did NOT dissapoint this time (although when they released these clothes they released old ones too :-S). Anyways for those who cannot see the doll because there not superstar, or even for other reasons like they don't have Flash Player and such so, i got a screenshot for you guys to admire :P
I simply ADORE the top and skirt she is wearing. Except that i only brought one of them bracelets and the top (hehe.:P). No point to put a screenshot of the clothes released in StarPlaza, because you can basically see them here, lol :D
Jenna, i love the fact that your giving out your Lotteries in contests! Most people wouldn't do that, so i can see your very kind. And for the people:
What are you waiting for? JOIN THE CONTESTS. I mean, come on. You don't find Lottery in everyone's StarBazaar in everyday..for FREE. Seriously. Its an awesome contest. So don't miss a chance like this *wink*
By the way, to the winners of the other comps i have to say one little thing:


  1. Hey, your third post eh? - congratts! HAHA,... Just thought i'd mention that im entering the Valentines day dress up and poem comp + i totally agree with you - Jenna is so jennarous! :P x

    Loving the blog, keep up teh awesome work gals! x x x

  2. Ps, im funkydoohdaah, x x x

  3. laura_amy123
    I will be wearing valentino on the 14th feb

  4. i agree, Jenna has a big heart

  5. hi im aerie_aero and i will be wearin valentino on feb. 14!
