
Sunday, February 22, 2009

How do they win?

How do you like my new header?
I was checking out the scenery's and i noticed that a certain girl had won 3 top spots in a row! I checked out her scenery's. Non of them had the winner banner! How do people win these contest like cover girl when they do not deserve it? I understand they have a cheat, it just isn't fair to the hard creative people who truly deserve to win! I must compliment the 2en winner however, her scenery must have taken a lot of coordination and time. The first winner's scenery was tres elite.


  1. Winning things is very hard on stardoll. I have never won any comps hosted by stardoll.

  2. what is the cheat to win? [:

  3. I hate when cg's win who don't deserve to, and then some of my friends on stardoll never won anything and their suite and medoll are so cool. =]

  4. THEY HAVE A CHEAT TO WIN BEST SCENERY!? :O :O :O Oh em Jesus!! lol x

  5. + yeah same here, i have quite a few sceneries that i thought were pretty darn good, no one ever looks at them tho, even if i were to msg my friends about them. :/

    x x x x <3

  6. Yeah I don't think I've ever even made the top 5 for cover girl. lol. Oh well.

  7. It's about how popular they are not how creative...

  8. I think it's really unfair. What about the people who have spent countless stardollars and hours with their MeDolls and Suites? No-one ever gives them a look in. Stardoll should really get rid of the voting clubs and such.. :[

    -Jamie AKA xcrazy_chickx

  9. Yeahh.. I sometimes think stardoll rigs half the competitions.. Oh well!!

  10. Omg,that is not fair.
    Well,even though they cheated they get NO banner so unless you happened to see their name on the list,no one will know you "won"!
