
Friday, February 27, 2009

Flash Player Problems?

Hey everyone! A lot of my online friends have been telling me that they cannot play stardoll because there flash player doesn't work. That can easily be fixed. If your flash player isn't working, when you go to your suite it should be blank with a link to Macromedia Adobe Flashplayer. Click the link. The Adobe site should popup asking you to download the flash player. It's it safe to download so click download. Sometimes a yellow bar at the top will ask you if it is okay to install active control (something like that). It is safe so go ahead. A window will appear saying to install or run, click one of those.

Most people haven't any issues downloading until now. If you didn't read the bottom of the page (like me! lol) you'll have missed a vital piece of information. You must RESTART YOUR COMPUTER. Not turn it off, and then on, but restart. You must do this, or else the flash player will not work. If you have any issues, just write in the comments, and I'll help you. ;)


  1. that happened to me and i got really angry, then i came back the next day and it was normal.

    xoxo purrdymuffin

  2. That happens to me alot and i use Firefox It says you cannot view someones suite because you dont have adobe flash player but when i refresh it around 3 times it works!


  3. I hate that they don't have all the flash players on school computers.
    But at school I am not really supposed to be on stardoll... so...
