Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Yes once again on this great site STARDOLL.. I have been hacked.

It looks like they took all my rares. How the hell can this keep happening??!!! I did what they said I have an incredibly hard password with caps, lowercase and unusual characters. Stardoll even had my rares so they could not be sold...SO HOW ARE THEY GONE? When I look at my bazaar they were always unable to be sold!!!

I can't even get access to my account because they changed my email address. How the hell did that happen??? I thought I had to confirm the change? And does that mean they accessed my email too. Tell me how that works when the passwords were completely different and difficult????!!!!

I don't use cheats and haven't used a proxy etc.. and I NEVER have EVER given anyone my password. The only links I have been on recently are the ones for the comps.

I have contacted Stardoll, but I have been through this before and they never want to help you. If they don't I am done with this site. 



Rhona / rhonacrowley said...

Omg Jenna! I feel so sorry for you :/
I really hope you get everything back

Rhona / rhonacrowley said...

Try getting stardoll to give you your account back. You should get it back if you have proof of purchase of ss membership that comes in an email.

Rhona / rhonacrowley said...

I think its a reference code or something like that you need.

AbiiBabeh..x said...


--rihanna---- said...

OMG that's so so sick. Hope u get all ur stuff back soon=)I'm so so sorry=)uKNOW THAT WE R ALWAYS WITH U=)

Shayan. said...

Spam SD; they should listen.

Anonymous said...

Wow it seems like a lot of people are getting hacked into.
It's a shame that stardoll still doesn't have good anti-hacking program/ safe site. I hope you get it back again.


CChanelCrystale said...

Omg Jenna I feel so sorry for you. I think SD should just listen.
Hope your getting your stuff back.

Anonymous said...

IA with Shayan a bit. Keep writing them, even be a little foward. I did and they finally got back to me.
Most people pay real money on that site, they should at least value their customers more.


Romana/Romana.Dawn said...

OMFG. This is totally pathetic.
Fuck off. HACKED? The one who took your rares and hacked your account have to suck my dick harder.

After YEARS and YEARS of hacking so many accounts they aren't bored?
After do not letting you sell your rares they let someone else to steal them?

Fuck everything.

the2glams said...

I have this petition that is for upgrading stardoll security. You should put it in your blog so we can get more people to sign it and let stardoll know about it. Poohg_1993 created the petition, im just helping her out spreading the news about it.
Im sorry that you got hacked. Idk how you got hacked but i know one thing for sure, stardoll is getting very lazy on making stardoll a better place for us.

Romana/Romana.Dawn said...

I have got hacked an year ago.
I know how you feel so. I had so many LE and DKNYS on it.

ziedefan&lillyn16 said...

OMG!!!!!I'm SO sorry!!!!!Thats terrible!!!!!Hope stardoll give to you everything back!!!!But who hacked you?????Who is that terrible person????

miley said...

OH NO Jenna don't leave us! we need you! we love you!! and you are alright stardoll shold make more safety for us and thhey are just LOSERS!!! how could they do something like that??!! what's the funny and good in stelling the Privacy of others??!! i'm so sorry for you!

panddass said...

Jenna!!! I feel so sorry for you!!!

MonicaMillgram said...

Idk what OS you use on your computer, but if it's Windows, then you probalby have a virus, like troyan or something like that. It is malicious software that collects all the info on your computer including user names and passwords and sends it to someone else. And antivirus software not always catch it. So stardoll might have nothing to do with it. :(

Anyways, I'm really sorry you got hacked.

panddass said...

On a different site I got hacked when I had spent my own money but they just aren't bothered that I couldn't get my WHOLE account back! :(

RobynisDreaming said...

Oh my gosh that makes me so mad, Jenna I hope you get it back. Are you sure your account is hacked and they did not temporarily shut it down?

I am sorry but there are some horrid people who will report for no reason, if they don't give it bacxk I swear I will start a petition to get your account back from stardoll...

daloita said...

:O I can not believe it! this is unusual, stardoll if you have a lot to improve security! I honestly feel very bad for you :( I hope you recover your account! that would not be here because I've never been hacked :(

Anonymous said...

Hello Jenna, I know what you're going through because some years ago someone did exactly the same with me... but I found myself a way to recover the account ...

You have been superstar plenty of times, so you should keep receipts of purchase, right? Grab a receipt, do print it and attach it along with a message for Stardoll! They will see that you are the true owner ... within a few days they will send you a new password!! It's the ONLY way!

I hope I've helped you, I know what it is :s


JMJuke said...

I think Stardoll should up their security. They claim there is no such thing as an 'Employee Code,' but how else could someone access another's password and email? There must be something like this that lets you access these things. If you change your email, it sends an email to your old one. Stardoll/the employees are either letting people have information or doing it themselves. Or there's some really great computer hackers out there wasting their time on a dress up site. But then again, so are we.
Yeah, I've been watching a few cop shows so I'm in that sort of mood. I hope you get your account and items back, Jenna.

AnaaFTW said...

Hacking doesn't work that way, I'm 90% sure it had nothing to do with Stardoll's system. First they'd have to hack WHOLE Stardoll system to get your password, so, most likely, you clicked on some link that installed some tiny software to your computer [you couldn't possibly know if you don't have GREAT anti-virus software], and it tracked passwords you're using. I don't know how they sold your rares, but I doubt that any really good hacker would hack Stardoll.
Or someone else used your computer, or you logged in to Stardoll on some public computer where is tracking passwords software installed.
I really hope you get your account back!
Good luck!

Mary said...

This is really bothering and sick.
This people should get a life.


Kristinkakiki said...

Oh no,i am so sorry,for you,thats so sad to hear,stardoll REALLY have to change the security tings,i really hope you get everything back :/

Anonymous said...

Send stardoll an email saying that your aunt is a lawyer and you will sue if they dont reactivate it/give you back your items. My account got deleted and saying that worked for me.

I hope you get your account back. Sorry :'/

lol911411 said...

I'm so sorry. Be very, very persistent with Stardoll, and they may help you.

Anonymous said...

Send Stardoll an email saying that your aunt is a lawyer and if they dont reactivate/give your rares back then you will sue. It worked for me.

I hope you get your account back. Sorry :'/

_JolieAnn_ said...

omg :( omg omg omg
i got hacked 1 time too and i wrote to stardoll and many of my friends too and then i got my account back
ask your best friends on stardoll they shall write stardoll and send them some evidence like an authentication when you bought ss

anaKonda said...

I truly feel for you Jenna.
Stardoll has a lousy security system and they don't care/do much to help when situations like this happen.
I hope you get your account back asap with all of the things that were stolen from you.

JanaStarlite said...

When I got hacked last September, I got my account back by clicking the I forgot my Password link. I guess you've already tried that, though, right?
Keep writing to SD and send your receipt numbers in.
Good luck. It's the worst, worst, worst thing about SD.

Mekhari said...

I feel sorry for You x( I have been hacked too so and I don't get them again! ;( ;/

Regina said...

OMG Jenna =//// i feel sorry for you =/ hope everything will get better soon and you get everything back =/

Kim/PopStarKizzle♥ said...

I'm so sorry. :-( Hackers are low lifes. If your rares weren't able to sell, then maybe the hacker put them in your storage to freak you out? Sorry, just trying to think of the positive. Explain this to stardoll in a message, and give them proof of purchases of stardollars, superstar etc. via reference code. That's how I got my old account back before loosing it again. Good luck Jenna! SMW are supporting you. xox.

Punky_Lissy/ Kasey said...

It doesn't matter hoe difficult your password is, the hackers use Vulnerabilities in the system of stardoll - they don't guess as long as they randomly get your real password!!!

_StarHelen_ said...

OMG! This so unfair and horrible! Please don't leave Stardoll, I understand that you've spent a lot of money to buy all those rares but I don't want you to leave. You're one of my favorite blog owners and a great presonality too! You're right about Stardoll security. I hate that everyday hundreds of people get hacked!!

Ruth said...

I really hope stardoll will do smth to help you. It's awful. I will never understand how those people do it. But anyway just write SD a lot, maybe even we all could write them - the more messages they would get, more chances they would notice and actually help.

Anonymous said...

IA with the others. Might be a keylogger or a virus. AGV think how it's spelled is a nice anti spyware/malware program.
It always good to have at least 2 security programs running at the same time. Just make sure it's not Norton or what pick whatever is better for your computer.


Anonymous said...

Omg how can they do that?

Steffi ♥ said...

OMG!! How people can do that?? I hope everything will be good for you :)

andreea9120 said...

I'm sorry!I hope they will do everything to get your account back

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


Since I was hacked in 2009. I constantly run my anti virus softwear and I never save my passwords to my computer. Idk. The only thing I can think of is that when checking comps, someone gave me a virus through their link. So I will no longer be able to do comps that way.

Ciara said...

Omg :/ I hope you get everything back.

Jaina said...

Ohno, feel so sorry for you!
Hope stardoll will give all back to you.

Anonymous said...

Erm, all of your rares are still there and your suite is still perfect.

red.girll said...

i dont know why they do it and how they do it but they shouldnt be on stardoll because it is not a place for such.....persons. sorry for you:(

CL3M3 said...

I've contacted stardoll too for you !!!

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


I have an anti-virus that we pay for. Actually I have 2. One thru our internet and one through Mcfee or whatever.

The only links I have clicked on are those while judging accounts.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


NO when i look from my other account. All my lottery dresses are gone and my MKA RC, Paulina RC etc are also gone

Anonymous said...

Who bought your rares? That could be a start. And I'm so sorry!! Who every it was know exactly what to take.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


I don't know because I can't get into my account

MMC9 said...

Jenna do what poohg_1993 done contact stardoll through there actaull email.
I know how they hacked you through stealing your cookies from your web browser ! want more information contact me! Hope you get it back soon

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Also how did they change my email and I did not receive a confirmation email from Stardoll?

It says that they asked for a new password. but not that your email has been changed.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


I did thanks.

MMC9 said...

What has happend is that they probaly went onto your email then deleted the message ! so you would not see it i think want to know anything else ask me

Dominika said...

OMG jenna I am so sorry :'[
The _____ who hacked you might have recycled them -.-
no seriously such disgusting creatures who just don't want others to have better stuff are terrible -.-
I wish something like that happened to them so they know what it feels like.
Hope you get your stuff back Jenna, And that stardoll listens.

Dominika said...

+ I hope you get yyour account back.

CoolKarlica said...

WTF....They really don't give a damn.
Look, they haced me once and I was sooo sad and angry...Know what you fell.But now it's harder to you...

panddass said...

I hate sites like this, they just don't listen! It's not fair that you spent so much time & money developing your account now it's gone and been hacked! I don't understand how that would happen though...
Wish I could do something Jenna!

Rhona / rhonacrowley said...

Maybe they hacked your parents email? or idk would it have been the original owner of your account? :/

Miss M said...

WHAT A STUPID ******* ******* (There's small kids on here xD)

You don't need to confirm the change, but there should be an email in your inbox asking if you want to change your email back? Idk if that's changed, but it worked when I got hacked by some *****

If it's been deleted from your inbox, check your deleted folder in your email-some people don't realise that it goes there before getting permanently deleted. Change your email pass too, because you never know-they could figure out a way to change that.

I don't think you got viruses through your links via comps, b/c I've never heard of that happening, but it could be someone sent you something dodgy via email (whether it's the SMW one or your SD one.) It could've been something from Launch My Line? Scan your computer just in case-I know my AV Software tells me what caused the virus (e.g. programme etc)

Just visited your suite-most your DKNY's gone :O My computer's real slow, so I can't access your other rooms.

Hope you get it back...If you figure out anything, please let us know, because I really hope you get the account back...

Dancaholic98 said...

Domi [xxDemi84xx] is right. They probably recycled them. Im sooo sorry Jeena, hope you get it back ASAP! ):

Justin Beiber's Bangs said...

mizzmileycyrus9 would know the tricks because she's a hacker herself.

Anonymous said...

how did this happen cuz i got hacked and nothing happened i feel sorry 4 u try 2 help u okay dont worry u WILL get your account back

E said...

Omg this is terrible !! i feel so so sorry for you. I hope you'll get everything back soon.

Anonymous said...


Rhona / rhonacrowley said...

Jenna, also I don't mean to scare you but if they are buying stuff from your sale and putting them on their own account they can only buy I think 5 or is it 10 idk items from your sale? so becareful because they might be stealing more tomorrow :/ ;o

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mizzmileycyrus9 hacked you

Anonymous said...

We spend money, lots of money and this is the way the staff returns to us ... instead of creating unnecessary collections, should commit to the safety of accaunts !
I hope for you that you'll get your wonderful doll very quickly and without too much loss ...=
(sorry for my english!!)

Anonymous said...

Don't swear. You're not cool. In fact, it is SICK that an 11 year old like you has no clue what they are saying.

Miss_LolitaF said...

OMG Jenna, I hope you get it back really soon.

You don't deserve this, if you need to talk I'm online. Which account are you using atm?

Vitória said...

OMG! Jenna I'm sorry for what happened! Probably the hackers are specialized, and not just hack accounts silly games! It is also a lack of security of Stardoll, not to stop hacking programs! I've seen several dolls that have been hacked more than 4 times, and Stardoll has not done anything! : /

Miss_LolitaF said...

Jenna, try using a reference code. I remember people saying that you could get it back using one of those.

I truly hope you get it back :(

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


Yeah I sent stardoll everything and a ref number. Just waiting to hear from them is a pain. I'm using Jennarox4eva.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


OMG!!! What happens if they recycle your rares!!! Does stardoll even have a record???!!!

Miss M said...


Not sure what happens if they're recycled. Stardoll could keep a record, and even if they don't, I'm sure they'll give you most the rares back. I think they'll believe you.

Emmaxoxo123/Emma said...

omg people are so sick!!
i hope you get your account back:)

larisachka said...

Im so sorry for you : (
Hopefully you get it back

Miss_LolitaF said...

@ Jenna;

I think their main office is in Sweden and maybe they are closed by now, they might see the message tomorrow.

Amber_Doll said...

Destiny could've hacked you! She's a hacker herself & knows the tricks! =O

GoldenHeart Threads said...

I am so sorry Jenna! I hope that you recover everything you lost. A while ago I had almost 3/4ths of my clothes stolen and it took a while but SD did replace all of them. Hang in there girl! You have our support!

Carolyn (LonnaLang) said...


Stardoll is a cruel site who offer false promises to people and then break them. :'l

Tell us whatever we can do to help you and we will, you don't deserve to be hacked!!! D:

Anonymous said...

Hello Jenna, I know what you're going through because some years ago someone did exactly the same with me... but I found myself a way to recover the account ...

You have been superstar plenty of times, so you should keep receipts of purchase, right? Grab a receipt, do print it and attach it along with a message for Stardoll! They will see that you are the true owner ... within a few days they will send you a new password!! It's the ONLY way!

I hope I've helped you, I know what it is :s

Lira said...

There are some hackers..
And If you haven't give them you pass,
there are many things you just write ur
user and the pass shows up... IDK what
else to say!!!

Evie said...


I hope you get your account back

Rayko said...

OMG! I can't belive this! o.o You too? Omg....I'm so sorry. I have also been hacked some time ago and i lost some odl dkny's but i got my account back... Stardoll has to something about this.o.o But i am sure you will get your account back...send stardoll as many messages as you can!

Anonymous said...

Send them a letter if u want it so bad
A letter by mail

litxx said...

im sorrry:(
hope you get your things back
friken hackers! they have no life!

Jojo/Sugar_98 said...

Contact them at Facebook write on their wall I think they will respond there

casey_layla said...

thats horrible, i cant believe stardoll wont help, and honestly if this has happened more than once it mite b the same person, sry:(

Anonymous said...

People are so crazy! Why on earth would you want someones account & these clothes are just virtual clothes. I beleive it must be a link you must have clicked on, it's also all the lottery competitions as well. Thats what happens when you're too nice. It's good to be nice but not too nice.
Can you all remember last week someone made a comment firing one of the writers from with a link to Jenna's blog account?

molly9406 said...

Hey,I'm so sorry for u!someone took from me an LE pair of shoes (the studded boots)while I was trading with a friend,only for 3 sd!I've became so hungry coz the person did not want to give them back,her name is freddka.So I can't imagine if someone takes my account,I really hope that it will be back to u!sorry again!!

xoxo_angel13 said...

wow! that was like so mean! I hope something works out...maybe try contacting stardoll?

xoxo_angel13 said...

the same thing actually happened to my friend..... :(

devie44 said...

Jenna, add me on jennarox4eva. Maybe I can help, or go on skype!

Anonymous said...

OMG JENNA!! I am literally on the verge of tears. I cannot believe this happened to you again. I was with you and supported you the first time and this time I will do everything in my power to help you get your account and items back.

I cannot even believe this! I am so sorry. I love you more than words soul sistah!

PLEASE contact me via my gb, this is Mel btw (I just didn't want to sign in as a safety precaution for my account)on a new account. I cannot go without spekaing to you!


Anonymous said...

OMG JENNA!! I am literally on the verge of tears. I cannot believe this happened to you again. I was with you and supported you the first time and this time I will do everything in my power to help you get your account and items back.

I cannot even believe this! I am so sorry. I love you more than words soul sistah!

PLEASE contact me via my gb, this is Mel btw (I just didn't want to sign in as a safety precaution for my account)on a new account. I cannot go without spekaing to you!


panddass said...

I just visited your account... some gone some there..?

-zoeyspark said...


An.Ch.iE said...

OMG! I'm so sorry for you :( This is so weird! And the club Hotbuys_bazaar was deleted by stardoll stuff!!!! WTF is happening...I hope you'll get your account back. Can't you get your account back by the perents email or is this not works to!?

♥ Cata.marquesa said...

Omg Jenna :( Thats horrible, god! Stardoll HAVE to do something! Try send whith your other account an email for Stardoll Stuff telling what happened and also say the reference number of any Superstar membership receipt. You should have one in the email that you use for emorox4eva...Hope this help!!! :(
By the way, I tried vistit your account and says you were deleted OMG :(( I really hope Stardoll give your account back!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG jenna i'm so sorry!!hope you get all your stuff back it's so unfair =( SD must be more safe wish you the best luck =(

Gosia said...

im so sorry Jenna

now emorox4eva account on stardoll is deleted :((((((((((

Anonymous said...

your account has been deleted now!

Anonymous said...


Hello the 'great' stardoll staff,

I know you get SOOOO many reports about stolen accounts, and you barely reply to anyone's requests. But, this is URGENT. My friend Emorox4eva has been HACKED. Her account has been deleted. You need to investigate what is happening around your site because innocent people have been getting hacked.

Poohg_1993 was also hacked. Both of these accounts (emorox4eva and poohg_1993) are great with many rares and starpoints. Both of these girls worked hard on their accounts, and you NEED TO DO SOMETHING.

Oh, and guess what? THEY ARE BOTH SUPERSTAR. Yes, they paid for superstar and now they're hacked.

Please, JUST DO SOMETHING QUICK. Innocent people are getting hacked!!!!!!


Thank you,
-Member of stardoll for 5 YEARS, Larsa_Gurl

Jenna just stay strong, you'll get your account back. You have jennarox4eva and can contact SD through there. Do you have a code u used or transaction number? If you have any of those, you're sure to get your account back.

Maybe even your phone number you buy SS on will work. Just try anything.

Spamming SD would probably be the best way.

(Hope you get your account back! Hackers are sick minded!!)

Anonymous said...

Everyone read my presentation my user is Larsa_Gurl

It says:
My friend Emorox4eva has been hacked! If you send what is below to stardoll, and write your name in my guestbook you will be in a raffle for 1 ss code, and 1,000sd!! I will do this raffle only if my friend Emorox4eva gets her account back so start spamming stardoll!! :

Hello the 'great' stardoll staff,
I know you get SOOOO many reports about stolen accounts, and you barely reply to anyone's requests. But, this is URGENT. My friend Emorox4eva has been HACKED. Her account has been deleted. You need to investigate what is happening around your site because innocent people have been getting hacked.
Poohg_1993 was also hacked. Both of these accounts (emorox4eva and poohg_1993) are great with many rares and starpoints. Both of these girls worked hard on their accounts, and you NEED TO DO SOMETHING.
Oh, and guess what? THEY ARE BOTH SUPERSTAR. Yes, they paid for superstar and now they're hacked.
Please, JUST DO SOMETHING QUICK. Innocent people are getting hacked!!!!!!

We need to spam them, for they are not helping anyone!?!

So if you report this to stardoll, you will be in a raffle and if jenna gets her account back, I will make the raffle.


sailorlife4me said...

omg! this is awful! i hope you can track who sold your rares by looking into the bazaar. I've been hacked before. they just needed proof, like the number of any giftcards i bought ss membership with! :( hope this helps

Lyssana said...

huuuu, dear Jenna.... how could this happen... reallyreally sorry for u dearest... :*(

Elle said...

There should be an option to put up more security, such as questions about yourself, maybe even multiple passwords, stardoll need to improve their sites security especially as they have paying members.
I really hope its all sorted out for you soon and whoever is responsible gets whats coming to them.

Kesha_Fan101 said...

Oh no!!!!!!! If you need anything let me know!

xXCO-COXx said...

oh my god thats horrible! :O hope you get it back and all is okay xxx

Fluzzard said...


Harsh26 said...

OMG, I so wish that you get ur account back :)

Harsh26 said...

Stardoll is getting worse, day by day. I mean seriously, day by day !!

Rab92 said...

OMG, That`s Terrible!
I`m So Sorry.

Can`t You Get One Of Your Friends To Email Stardoll Telling Them What`s Happend & That You Didn`t Do Anything To Bring It On Yourself. Well, That`s What I Done For 1 Of My Friends When She Was Hacked Once.

Either Way, I Really Do Hope You Get Your Account Back Sooooon!


Sohasal said...

OOh my dear!! i'm sooo sorry for you!! i know what you feel now because i got hacked before, and they sold all my DKNY 2007, old HB's, rares, inspired by, star's dresses... but i had having another account to contact stardoll, they asked me the proof receipt of purchase superstar membership ( you can fined it in your email).. after verification they gave me back another password and quickly i changed the fake email address.. but nothing came back from my clothes :(..
we are all with you don't worry, i hope you get back your account soon..

Anonymous said...

Oh NO! I am soo sorry! Stardoll is just an ugly mess out there, and I pity each and every hacker, small or large, they are losers with no life, and want to make you miserable. I will try to contact stardoll as well, and see if they get enough people to help, then it might get your account back, and change the system completely. Stardoll has been full of glitches, and its getting so annoying.

Anonymous said...

This is what I'd suggest to ALL Stardoll users from now on:

-Use a different e-mail from your Stardoll Account to your blogger, facebook, etc.
-When you create a password, use this website to type UPSIDE DOWN = typeupsidedown.com (It's what I use). Make sure it is random. Eg. ˙1792-lsɹ‾54‾pǝɹ

Hope those pointers help

iloveanimals28 said...

Are you kidding? LIke how could that have even happened?!?!?!?!

cece♥ said...

um u werent hacked u were deleted. There is so much wrong with stardoll now

Anonymous said...

i feel so bad for you jenna! And you werent hacked, you were deleted... Stardoll needs to update their everyhting!

CommesDesGarcon (Gia Heatherette) said...



pnkrkgrl said...

Recently they were apparently messing with our suite's storage limits or smt, and I had to take every item of clothing from my closet to get back all my clothes, since they are not listed in your bazaar as sold, if that is what your message seems like, then try that. It's time consuming, but it works, and stardoll will then replace what is truly missing. This is my experience, i hope i helped :)

Lemy100 said...

OMG jenna :( You can go to madmadeleine or her club advice4newbies for help. go tell ur problem under the 'help me maddy' discussion topic. Maybe she can save you!

Anonymous said...

molly9406 said...

Hey,I'm so sorry for u!someone took from me an LE pair of shoes (the studded boots)while I was trading with a friend,only for 3 sd!I've became so hungry coz the person did not want to give them back,her name is freddka.So I can't imagine if someone takes my account,I really hope that it will be back to u!sorry again!!

Are you sure the person you were trading with didn't ask a friend to buy the shoes while you guys were trading? That way the person who traded you wouldn't have to give you her shoes and she could just say "oops looks like someone else took them". That's why trading sucks and I have never done it!

So to all these people who have been hacked, have you given your friends or anyone your passwords ever?

Also, one time I ran into a post at a hacking forum where someone was asking these people how to hack Stardoll. And they said Stardoll looked very easy to hack but then they started making fun of the girl for asking them to hack stardoll in the first place because I guess they thought it was a stupid game. Anyway in conclusion, I am pretty sure Stardoll is pretty easy to hack. My suggestion is to use private browsing. Just to be sure to get rid of any stored usernames or passwords. There are hackers in every game and Stardoll really needs to upgrade their security. It's quite ridiculous that so many people spend tons of money here and nothing is done.

Are you sure Rhianna didn't hack you? You can just tell her post is oozing sarcasm.

mojonik said...

Omg i feel so sorry for you!! that happened to me too once!! when i used to be a Superstar i had so many Rares and LE and they took it all. Stardoll doesn't even care! -_-

missjuthi1998 said...

Omg don't leave stardoll. If you leve who will write the blog. I only go tp this blog. But I hope everything will be back to normal.

Lemy100 said...

JENNA ..DID YOU JUST GET DELETED...?!!! :((((((((((((((( :(

Stardoll Superhero said...

I think you may have a Trojan Horse virus. Someone must be geting your password when you type it in for any accounts you access on your laptop.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the hacker recycled your stuff or something:S show them proofs from your email that the account is yours so they will give it back..

Anonymous said...

The only thing hacker can do is at least say who he/she is -.-

orange008 said...

I am SO SO sorry ! My son's account got hacked and it is the worse feeling. You feel so violated. I agree, how on earth did they get your EMAIL account name to approve a password change ! Terrible, people try to hack my account all the time, I get those Password change emails constantly in different languages and I just delete the message and NEVER open them. I hope you get your rares back and SD MUST do you justice ! GOOD LUCK SWEETIE. Orange008

Clara_Clary| Ioana ♥ said...


Clara_Clary| Ioana ♥ said...

OMG your account is deleted ;O;O what the hell ;((

bellajella1997 said...

Oh dear. How did they do that. I have had hackings, but I can not compare it to yours. You have invested more time and money in it than any of us.

Anonymous said...

sucks to be you however i don't see you ever giving a shit when others get hacked everyday on stardoll unless its one of your elite friends , and unlike everyone here kissing your ass and telling you they feel sorry for you , i don't feel sorry for you cause karma is a bitch , and if you do leave there'll just be another person creating an account to take your place , so go ahead and leave stardoll cause you're not hurting them.

bellajella1997 said...

It may have been the original owner of the account, sending the password via. email.

bellajella1997 said...

*parents email

Anonymous said...

Exactly the same with me. I found out how they did it. I had it open on my phone and they must of hacked into my phone system. They also hacked my facebook and hotmail. It all happened on my phone. My mum suggested that the Stardoll admin might be the ones hacking us so that we'll spend more money and time on Stardoll..

I left Stardoll.

Wooldoor said...

I think I know how it happened Jenna, contact me and I will explain. x

LouiseBabeh said...

That's awful Jenna.

Must be some computer genius

oni_av13 said...

oh i`m so sorry for you :( i hope you will get it back

Oktaviani Charra said...

I'm so sorry for u. WTH is those hacker thinking about I mean it's just clothes from pixels not like real clothes that you can really touch... maybe they just jealous to u.. hope ur account back again :\

Mihaela said...


I can't imagine how you're feeling.That's just terrible,OMG!
I'm really sorry and I honestly hope you'll get everything back.I know this doesn't help,but I'm really,really sorry!

Anonymous said...

I don't know anyone on her, as they don't know me, but what i know is that most of the user gets hacked or scammed.
Look its not just safety anymore but it is about REAL money, we pay money for ss memberschip, i mean they could use the money for better features on the website then making a new layout!
And i do feel sorry for you believe me i have been scammed many times and hacked one time and haven't got anything back, but i think people aren't worthy of your deeds, you are making competitions, so who ever did this should step forward and say ''it was me'' because if you have the guts to take someone ''stuff'it is called stealing because it was paid with real money, then you should also have the guts to say it.
And stay strong don't let them win please!
To those who said she deserves this, believe me noone does, talk before you act, treat one another the way you like to be treated.

Anonymous said...

People that are hacking or scamming, bullying behind their computers, do not have the guts or are so phatetic or their lives are destroyed that when they steal from another person, it is supossed to make them feel good?
Remember your time wil come too, don't think you will get away with it!

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

F**k them! How could that happen to you? I am sooooooooo sorry. I'm here for you 100%.

Anonymous said...

Omg, why you? Maybe in your Storage?
If you are hacked follow this steps:

1. Go to your email (which you have created your account)
2. Search Stardoll and somewhere in the last say when she was hacked your account, you can confirm this email click on it or something.

Anonymous said...

Wtf, Emorox4eva is not on Stardoll any more. What's wrong with the people whos hacked you .. Your banned on Stardoll ;s

Anonymous said...

Jenna, will you want me account? I will give it to you (:

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm all the Anonymous.
I know how you get your account back!
With yoyr Moms Email!

Anonymous said...

Omg. I feel sorry for you! It's just nok fair.
I've tried it once my self, but never like you explain it.
I don't understand why you can't get it back!

lovechild13/Kayanna said...

I hope this does not continue as a trend! early it was mandy now its you?! I feel really bad for you! the people/person who did this should Fuck OFF!

Austin/Alexapie200 said...

WHy is it when elite get hacked people care? No one cared when i got hacked.

Anonymous said...

Been through this with my daughters account. It was hacked while she was on stardoll. I was able to get on my account and talk to the hacker. She said a friend of hers named Beyonce_2010 told her how to do it. It took awhile for stardoll to get our account back to us. The girl spent almost all of the stardollars and we didn't get any of it back.

Selena said...

OMG OMG OMG :o we are all here , if we need us in something we are here ;l

Anonymous said...

Person who hacked you gotta get a life!

Krissik26 said...

I know how you feel. Like 2 years ago i got hacked and Stardoll DID NOTHING they just gave me the link to the stupid forgotten password EACH TIME I CONTACTED THE. i got so freaking pissed. My account is still there, armybrat1000

♥Petra/Shakira_Avril said...

Omgosh thats horrible! ;/
Maybe others could try contacting SD too.. o;

Ola ♥ said...

OMG! I'm so sorry Jenna. I can not believe it. I have no idea how to help you

Adriana(10queen) said...

im really sorry
i know how too work whith some programs that can easy hack facebook may that prog. can be used in sd 2

Mrs.Edward Cullen said...

I agree with MonicaMillgram & AnaaFTW Im betting its a virus that attacks your hard drive and steals your info but it doesnt lessen the blow of somthing like this happening. We all need to work together and helping Jenna restore her rares if sucky Stardoll doesnt help her...after all look at all she does for us.

Natoustars said...

Oooh I'm shocked !! :O Why people do that ? O_o !!! It's so stupid, their are jalous --''''

Cali_Beauty said...

I am so sorry Jenna!
I can't believe this has happened twice to you!!
Did you contact the website that you did before???

Anonymous said...

♥Petra/Shakira_Avril -
if u mean everyone needs to contact stardoll about jenna than i know Wat whil be stardolls answer -
it's only dolls owners thing and we can't talk about it or something like that

Anonymous said...

Romana :- Gosh I am 16 and never said those words -.- behave girl .. I bit you don't have clue what those words mean even if you do don't say them I wonder what will your parents's react when they heat that their 11 years old daughter is swearing and saying those bad words.

Nöur Grande said...

First of all about Romana let the girl alone ok ? I think she know what to say you're not even her parents to judge anyway..
Jenna hope you get your accoiunt back asap :)

Fairydew said...

We are all with you Jenna..This is so BAD!! How did it happen??
I wish you will get ur account and rares back soon!! Stardoll can't be so unsafee!! :@ :(

Invalid said...

Thats terrible :( I hope you get your account back !

Teo / Botsy_pink said...

If they changed your email you should get your email when they say this and you can get your account back by clicking a link

Jane said...


Jane said...

Who is doing that? ;/

Anonymous said...

Stardoll is going REALLY weird right now... They should make something to solve it!

@Rhona so you're trying to get on the most commenters list right? ¬¬

panddass said...

I am really glad you got our account back, but I am so sorry that you didnt get your Rares & HBs & Les and stuff back. I wish I could do something. Your hackers account has been deleted so what was the point...?

Tina said...


Nalco said...

Oh, that's not fair!!!

daisy-croatia said...

Stardoll has become greedy. They are taking more and more money but not giving anything back. I mean, if you intend to take something, which in this case is a lot of money, you must improve security on your website.

CharChar said...

I'm so sorry Jenna! I hope you get your stuff back :(

Anonymous said...

SAME HAPPENED TO ME!!! I contacted Stardoll and all they do is send an automatic message :/ I am so pissed off. I want my account back

Anonymous said...

OMG!! I've been hacked too!!!! Stardoll will not help and the hacker changed my pass and E-mail and My stardolls name is BravePenelopy AND stardoll always makes up excuses of why they can't help you like "We're terribly sorry we are too busy" or "This is false infomation and we need the name of the person who stole this account" and it makes me SOOO MAD!!!!!!!!

lulu said...

ive been hacked rigthnow! I dint go 2 any proxy or gave my pass etc.
I know how t feels
im a little girl & when I couldnt enter 2 my page I was crying
my account was lulu1999violet

Samiha Ali said...

Same here!! They terminated me account for no reason!! I didnt break any of te rules or put a false report!! This is out of control

Samiha Ali said...

Did u confirm ur email address cuz if u did u should get a email that says ur email has been changed would u like to change it back

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