Monday, February 7, 2011


 Hey Everyone! Sorry for getting this out so late, but I was a bit busy this weekend. This week I decided to have a little celebration and declare it Reader Appreciation Week! 


Well, mainly to just let you guys know how much the writers and I love having you on this virtual journey with us. Whether your comment once or 40 times....or maybe not at all...We really appreciate you coming here and reading what we write :)

So in honor of that I have so many things that will be rolled out this week. Look forward to a few surprises during the week.

The first of which is this week's Top Commenter list!
This week I decided to double it up and use the top 40 commenters!
Each will win $25sd or $25sd in gifts.  

*Remember NS's also have the option to let their money accrue until they reach $100 or $200sd. Click HERE to see the details.

In addition instead of choosing 2 random raffle winners, I have chosen 4. 

They are:  Nalco, JosephinaA, Pandaeyes239 and Rab92. Congrats they each also win $50sd!

Note: These results are only based on the dates listed below. They were hand counted and excluded any competition posts, duplicate comments, comments by writers on their own posts, unnecessary extra comments posted only to make the list.


Top Commenters- 1/29-2/4

  1. LonnaLang    (48)
  2. Alice2078 (46)
  3. niki-chick (45)
  4. hp-4ever (44)
  5. superstar4eva12 (44)
  6. evermore1girl (43)
  7. Kim/PopStarKizzle (43)
  8. Rayko (43)
  9. Daisygirlz (42)
  10. Demi_lavato10 (42)
  11. iluvmumble333 (42)
  12. FlowerBlossom. (41)
  13. Prinzessa (41)
  14. Avril14140    (40)
  15. Larsa_Gurl    (40)
  16. Erica_B (39)
  17. RubyWhitmore (39)
  18. sim1623 (39)
  19. miley (38)
  20. allyguapa (37)
  21. andreea9120 (36)
  22. zoey-good_girl (36)
  23. Mollyk123 (35)
  24. Nalco (35)
  25. Cutiepie80    (34)
  26. Fairydew (34)
  27. Pandaeyes239 (34)
  28. _JolieAnn_     (33)
  29. Agnes Chimère/JosephinaA (32)
  30. Maddy2981 (32)
  31. PwincessSara (32)
  32. Romana.Dawn (32)
  33. Erin (31)
  34. hip-hop-girl123 (31)
  35. Rab92 (31)
  36. xXCO-COXx (31)
  37. Jannnnnu (30)
  38. LaFee-supergirl (30)
  39. MonicaMillgram (30)
  40. Tammy_01    (30)
*Please see collecting prize on how to claim your prize. The top 20 are also eligible for and advertisement on the blog. All ad requests must be given to me by FRIDAY. Thanks

How did you rank on this week's list? 
Did you beat last week's score? See below..
Click to Enlarge.

Please remember this WHOLE COMP 
is just for FUN!


sailorlife4me said...

I'm always so close! Congrats everyone!

daloita said...

Congratulations! xD you have to say much, the truth is very hard!

xXCO-COXx said...

ahh yay i made the list again! xxx

Hannah (iluvmumble333) said...

Love this blog!
Thank you!

AbiiBabeh..x said...

OMFG! So close xDD

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! I only made 3 comments. :1

anaKonda said...

Whoa...I took a big dive this week :)
Don't mind at all. I comment because I appreciate your work girls, not to win prizes or make lists ;p

Gratz to all the winners!!!

Gurliciousbabe said...

LOL 104 ! improovment :D Congrats everyone! And I think this is a great way to have more followers and readers to the blog!


Mollyk123 said...

wow, finally my having an opinion about EVERYTHING looks like its useful!

Fionne Pham said...

Congrats! (:

Fionne Pham said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
xXCO-COXx said...

btw the free felicity stuff is out, log in on a us proxy (i used, waited for it to load and when i logged in normally it was there :) xxx

xXCO-COXx said...

***the t-shirt anyways xxx

Elena / KoolKatGirl19 said...

Yay! I actually got in the running this time! lol. ♥

Anonymous said...

Wow thanks! 2nd that is such a big deal to me- we appreciate you a ton.

J-Lee Vuitton/Demi_lavato10 said...

Yay! 10th! Went from 1st to 10th (: I sent in my Ad last week but Im not sure if your got it. xD

jippenjippen said...

FIVE OH YEAHZ I'm moving up in this world. Not really lolz.

Anonymous said...

congrats to everyone, its amazing how much comments each post gets!

Mary said...

Congratz to everyone :)

rosirosiful said...

congratulations for the winners :D maybe someday I will make to be on that list :}

Jeremy! said...

I am 65th :]

YAY lol better then last time :)

iloveanimals28 said...

Hahahhaha, I didn't show up at all, I will try again :P For the fun of course ;D

allyguapa said...

Thanks a lot JENNA!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally.. i'm a top commentor lol!

niki-chick said...

Yay i'm 3rd (: congrats everyone

Jane said...

Yay! I was in top 40!

Teo / Botsy_pink said...

Congrats :) This week I'm not in the top.

natasha-rox286 said...

hurray for me x]
i moved from 82
to 44


Cutiepie80 said...

Yay,I'm on the list! ;D

Miss M said...

Lol, my position just goes down because I write instead of comment now xDD

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim/PopStarKizzle♥ said...

My first reaction was 'Bloody hell, I've posted that many comments?!' Hehe, but I beat last weeks, that's for sure. Thank you Jenna!xoxo

Anonymous said...

Wow... 5th.... i'm so happy :D Thank you so much! you know, after all this time i spent commenting, SMW has now actually become my favorite blog, not just because of this contest but because the posts are actually so amazing. Thank you so much again :)

MissLyana999 said...

I'm on 50 with 23 comments:((

Natoustars said...

xD I'm the 46 ^^! I did'nt have time to comment this last week ^^ Congralutations :D

FlowerBlossom. said...

Congratulations to the winners, :)

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

16th spot. Could do better.

Unknown said...

Congratulations everyone!!! :) I'm sooo happy that I'm high on the top again. :D And it's really nice that you'll organise surprises for us readers on the blog, it's great to know how much you appreciate our support. :D
As for the ads, I've sent you mine last week but you didn't put it on the blog... Did you get it or should I send it again? :o

Rayko said...

I'm in there lol^^ Congratz to the winners.:"D

Catriona said...

Congratulations everyone!

dode56 said...

congrats :)

Lemy100 said...

hah i'm 61th :D


Fairydew said...

Yes Im in!
I saw that non-ss cna wait until they get 100 or 200.Then, I will :)

_JolieAnn_ said...

congratulations to every one :) i love reading this blog and i think everybody should comment the posts to show the one who is posting that she/he made a great work :)

romela1998 said...

hahahahah cool confratz

Unknown said...

Congrats to the winners!!

jsladkova said...

Congrats everyone! (; .

supperstarvanni said...

Haha :) Congratulation! I am 60th ^^

Romana/Romana.Dawn said...

Yay I am in the top again :D

Anonymous said...

Can't believe it!

Yasmin said...

Yay, I made 107th ;D

andreea9120 said...

Congrats and thank you

-zoeyspark said...

Ahh nearly close to advertising but I made the list, that's an achievement ;)

RobynisDreaming said...

Thank you so much I did much better this week. I love this contest and I love commenting on your brilliant posts too...

sd_is_da_best / Sinead said...

I'm 293 oopsies I really gotta comment more, this is my favourite blog so I don't know why I don't :)

miley said...

Wow i'm there! thank you so much!!
i'm the 19th yay! but who will get 25sd????

Sara said...

yayyy, i made it for the first time ever :D THANK YOU!

marymoo said...

27th :P

Well Done Caroyln, you got first (:

marymoo said...

27th :P

Well Done Caroyln, you got first (:

Nalco said...

Oh!! Thank you, I'm in the top 40 and in the random winners. Thank you so much.
I also like what you're doing in this blog, And I'm so happy to joined you weeks before!!


Daisy April Smith said...

Ohh, I got ninth place! :D
Congrats to everyone who made it on the list! :)

Byou009 said...

i hope I win next week! :P

chickorange said...

WHOOHOO ive moved up im now 113th comment lol!!!

Anonymous said...

yay i did 29 comments wow soooo close

Tammy_01 said...

Number 40! Whooo! Finally cracked the top 40 =D

Rab92 said...

My Names There, But Can You Tell What It Means?

But Thanks For Putting Me There Anyway.


Invalid said...

I was 53rd 10 more than last time lol . Congrats to all the winners !

CL3M3 said...

just 4 ^^

it's still good

Evie said...

91st place (:
Not bad I suppose

Carolyn (LonnaLang) said...

OMG! :O Yay! Thanks so much!!! :D I'm so shocked and happy to have come first. :) THANK YOUUUU! :D

Ooh, Readers Appreciation Week sounds like fun. :)

Harsh26 said...

Yay !! I won

Mihaela said...

Yaaaaaaaaaay :D

Anonymous said...

plc 66 - 15 comments ♥

Anonymous said...

btw congratz everyone <3
i love this blog <3

SeancicPoulcic2 ♥ said...

I am 110th *fail* hahah :D
congrats girls!

Kitty Skrillex said...

congratz :)

LouiseBabeh said...

Oo, I better step up.

Gintarė said...

Wow, I'm 117th XD

Kitty Skrillex said...

why dont u put winners for this week :)

Nina :] said...

Ehhh, i only have 5 comments

Rhona / rhonacrowley said...

Congratz everyone! Cool idea Jenna :)

Aaliyah/hip-hop-girl123 [On SD] said...

Darn it -.- I was on here, but we had no internet then so I couldn't see it xD

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