Thursday, February 3, 2011

PIP Heart Shop is OUT!

The Pretty in Pink Heart Shop which Gosia posted about is out! Made especially for Valentines <3 I like one or two dresses, and that's it really. I would have liked to see a large variety of dresses, and definitely more accessories. *Sighs* Guess I'm one of those people that's hard to please :P Prices range from $6sd to $14sd, and everything is SS.

Do you like anything?

Thanks Primaprincess and nextpingugirl :] 


Anonymous said...

Yay! First to comment :)

I like the shop but..there should be others clothes 0.0

FlowerBlossom. said...

@wounded90 - you beat me to it, hahah! ;)

Yeah , i agree; there should be more accessories but I really like the clothes they have. :)

Mary said...

I dont like the clothes, they are really simple and dont look like valentines clothes.


Ladysweetcute said...

I quite like it . The prices are not so over the top like other times but still high . I`ll only buy the ones I like :D

Anonymous said...

It's okay(: I like the white dress.

Maddy2981 said...

i like some of them. not all

miley said...

Cool!! hope there will be something foe N-SS

Anonymous said...

I love some of those colours!

andreea9120 said...

I like the colours! There should be more clothes and accessories in this shop

Mihaela said...

The dresses are really cute :D

Fairydew said...

I like the left dress that's light pink ..I don't really like the other clothes :/

coolgirl_1997 said...

They look good..I like the pink jacket very much! Can`t wait to see more :X

Rayko said...

I may go buy some stuff.:]

Tammy_01 said...

All superstar... that really sucks... luckily the clothes aren't that special! Although, I like pink a lot =D

Ramona D said...

I don't really like them...They are simple,nothing special...maybe stardoll will release some more clothes on this store

Jailer/exodus27 said...

God, kill me now. This store makes me sick. Yeah sure, it's fine for all the nine year olds and girly girls on SD but there's not a single thing I like, it's just awful. Bring back Halloween Couture!

Regina said...

i like some of the dresses :)

allyguapa said...

good clothes but they could explied these conce`t even more!!! like a suite shop or something

xXCO-COXx said...

i like most of it, but yeh there definately should be more accessories! xxx

fashiongirl963 said...

There will be more clothes soon ! :) Most of the clothes here look amazing :)

Anonymous said...

the clothes aren't very nice...

Kim/PopStarKizzle♥ said...

I'm not a big fan of them if I am honest.

Invalid said...

I am so disappointed this shop isnt as good as the valentines shop they had before and Everything is superstar !

Sara said...

seems good, have to go and check it out :)

Dominika said...

The clothes are really nice ;]

Natoustars said...

I think it's cheap :D ! I like this shop ^^

-zoeyspark said...

too posh for me ;P

Cutiepie80 said...

Some cute stuff,Wish there was more of a selection though ;))

marymoo said...

I love the Dresses :DD

I reckon there will be more to come...

RobynisDreaming said...

I love everything I just hope they look as good on. My doll can be very hard to find clothes for xD...

Unknown said...

I've already bought the bag :) but definitly will buy other things too :) the prices are nice, but I have to agree other accessoiries would be nice...

Iovanca said...

but where is that little pink dress :-s ? i need that dress!!!

MissLyana999 said...

This shop is for SS-peoples

miley said...

where is the HB polls!!!

Anonymous said...

i love PINK!

GoldenHeart Threads said...

I like the two outfits on the lower left. The dress is cute and the sweater looks soft and sort of peachy. I also like lots of accessories...guess we can't have everything. (sigh) Lol

GoldenHeart Threads said...

I like the two outfits on the lower left. The dress is cute and the sweater looks soft and sort of peachy. I also like lots of accessories...guess we can't have everything. (sigh) Lol

FashionAndFree said...

The shop looks very nice. But the clothes not. And it is a little bit to expensive.

Anonymous said...

I like some of the items... but others are just too girly!

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

Not a fan. But I am shocked about the prices. Sooooooo good.

Evie said...

I agree with you; I think there should be more accessories.

Also because lots of people get jewellery, bags & hair accessories for Valentines day, it might of been a nice touch.

Mindy95 said...

They're cute but the graphics sucks!
Now all the clothes' graphics sucks!

Emmaxoxo123/Emma said...

their pretty but none of it is non superstar:(

maricarsays said...

not my cup of tea.

Unknown said...

I like some stuff and I'm pleasently surprised that the prices aren't that high. :D Maybe I'll buy some things... ;)

Carolyn (LonnaLang) said...

YAAAY! I like it a lot actually :DDDD

RubyWhimore said...

It look different then I saw in spoiler, I mean the clothes are much more simple :/ I like the most layered sweetheart dress :D

Erin said...


AbiiBabeh..x said...

Average price...could be cheaper

Fluzzard said...

The middle dress is ok... I don't really like anything else, but then again, I'm not really a Pretty in Pink fan.

Hannah (iluvmumble333) said...

the clothes are pretty cute!

Mollyk123 said...

i like some of the dresses and the bag but i def dont like the leopard pink shoes.

Rab92 said...

Can`t Say I Like Any Of The Clothes There...


Daisy April Smith said...

Finally! I might get a thing or two. :D

-Margaret278- said...

i dont like them....

Tina said...

I like a few things(:

peacetrain said...

just like the brown dress and its not expensive.

Jane said...

I love it.

Aaah.. all SS

Nalco said...

I've finally bought the bag.

natasha-rox286 said...

The grey coloured
one's i like
idk about the pink
i'm not a fan of "PINK"
: ]

Harsh26 said...


niki-chick said...

cheaper than i thoguht they would be !!

Anonymous said...

I really like PIP, but there should be more i think.

supperstarvanni said...

I hate them! They do not look like valentines clothes :/

J-Lee Vuitton/Demi_lavato10 said...

I like them! they're cute!

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