Thursday, December 2, 2010


It's been awhile! So sorry for being absent for so long, but it was unavoidable. I think things are calmer I'm back and trying to re-evaluate where things stand with the blog.

I'm just looking to see who is still active on Stardoll and who is still reading us! Looks like the writers have been fairly active, so thank you for that! I really appreciate you guys!

So if you are still here in the Stardoll Universe let us know if you are still interested in this blog continuing...

I have some BIG plans that can go either way.. I can start competitions again and get things rolling like before or we can work towards going out with a bang. This goes for our writers too! Let me know if you are still interested in writing here.

I'm at that crossroads in my life where I have obviously been extremely busy, but also Stardoll hasn't been mega interesting for me in awhile. I will always love Stardoll, but as happens with everyone things change and this can't be my priority anymore. I turned 16 on Nov 6th and my life has been a non-stop whirlwind ever since ;)

I still would like to contribute when I can. So if we continue I'd probably need a really active partner or partners(which we have never had in SMW history!!!)

SO give us some positive feedback please. Let me know so I can determine whether to do any Christmas competitions. Yes I promise to make the time for judging and getting the results up in a timely manner. I apologize for Halloween, Miss Couture and any other open comps. I promise they will be posted and continued in the coming weeks.

I really hope you guys still love and appreciate our blog. Life gets in the way with everyone sometimes and I hope everyone is interested in a FRESH start!


Linnea/.pease. said...

Yay! :D I'm So Still Here. [; I'm Really Really Glad You're Back Jenna!

Ruth said...

I'm happy too, to see you are back.
We missed you.

Tammy_01 said...

I think this blog is the best stardoll blog ever. You should really continue it, becuase I would love to read it. =D Oh, and I'm glad to see you are back! =)

Ameena said...

Yay! You're back! :D

I love this blog, and I would hate it if it stopped! =O
I hope you decide to continue with this Jenna :S But we know that you have your own life! :P

I read this blog everyday, it's kinda become part of my daily routine xD


supperstarvanni said...

Hiyaa (: You're back ! We missed you all,but the writers wrote as many as they could ! I'm still happy that the blog isn't down.

I read your blog everyday and from day to day I enjoin this :D I am still interested in this blog continuing !

Great Work !

Blahm3 said...

Missed you loaddz :)
I love writing here ^_^

Samantha Tyler said...

Glad to see you back. The blog has to go on, but perhaps it would deserve some changes, we've had a bit of drama some times ago.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

@ SamTyler what happened?

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Missed all of you guys too!

red.girll said...

Happy to see you back and i want the blog to go on with comps and daily posts!!!

Anonymous said...

I am still reading this blog(:
Im glad you're back!

Samantha Tyler said...

Jenna = Someone posted an article about some stardollers'new project which wasn't specially polite and it was not well received. Most of us found it childish and out of the subject.

Dancaholic98 said...

Welcome back! I think it would be great to do some Christmas comps, like best Christmas Suite, outfit, scenery, etc. Just an idea! If you need any help with any thing, Im free. Glad your back Jenna!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Jenna!
It was time to come back on Stardoll! :D

Samantha Tyler said...

Wow awesome new header

Hrly said...

Welcome back Jenna


10natasha10/Tasha♥ said...

I am glad your back!

Gosia said...

welcome back Jenna :)

Ruth said...

Best Christmas Suite Comp is a great idea, lately I have seen a lot amazing Christmas themed rooms [:

Romana/Romana.Dawn said...

We missed you so much at all.
I am still here and I will be here untill I will not be among.

Because this blog's way is perfect.

Trude said...

It's good to see your back. PLS don't close down the blog - its really the best Stardoll-blog and I will be so sad if you stop it. Every day I'm checking your blog for the latest news on Stardoll and pls continue..........

Lemy100 said...

yay! ur back!! :D

Mikel - Seasonalhotbuys said...

I am ready, are you ready?

"Which way Captain?"

altonmiddle12|Lynn said...

I love this blog. Whenever I get on Stardoll, I have to come to this blog and check out anything new.
I'm glad to see you're back(:

Miss M said...

Welcome back, Jenna!
Happy Belated Sixteenth (again xD)
About the blog...
I think I'd be really sad to see it go. It's one of the first blogs I started reading on Stardoll, and I'm pretty proud to say I'm still here :] If you're too busy to carry on, then well, I think it's bye bye SMW, because it's just not gonna be SMW without you :|

Exxa said...

Yuup, its the only stardoll blog, i actually continually read :D

.emma.x. said...

I am really glad you are back Jenna. :)
And happy late birthday, yours is two days before mine ;)

Mollyk123 said...

Welcome back :)
That new header is amazing!
And some christmas comps would be fun i think

andreea9120 said...

Welcome back!!!We missed you!
I love the new header.

Sylvie said...

I was wondering if i could be a writer for this blog. I'm like 24/7 on stardoll en this blog and sometimes I already know things before you posted it on the blog (don't mean it negative)
you can contact me on my stardoll acount: SAfashion

john2_el_mejor said...


keaty said...

yes please continue i love you guys

Cutiepie80 said...

Yay Jenna your back!
I'm really happy,You bring life to the blog :)
Everyone's Missed you!
Oh,and I'd still love to be writer -hint- xD ♥

anaKonda said...

Welcome back Jenna!!!
Glad u could finally drop by and just so u know and this is my opinion, yr team of writers has been doing a wonderful job...if sometimes some goes a bit "off-track" yr followers are right there to put things straight.
Btw, Happy Belated Birthday! I think the reason they call it "Sweet 16" it's to mask the fact that's when real life hits u in the face! lol

Natoustars said...

:D !!

Rayko said...

Yaay.^^ I'm happy you are finaly back. :]

Liberty Georgina said...

keep going!! Please don't leave the blog!
Although when you say 'fresh' start. Maybe give the site a makeover?
JUST a thought, i don't want you to take it as an insult, because i love the layout atm.

love.heather said...

I love your blog. I am new to it, I've only been visiting for a month or so, however I visit regularly. Your blog was such a massive help when I first signed up for sd, and I'd love to see it continue!
Ps. I am 21, and at around your age I thought I grew out of the whole online-doll-dress-up thing, but I guess you're never really too old.

DeNiSeLLe said...

I love this blog. It's the best Stardoll blog, and I can't wait to read it everytime when I come home from school ^_^!
This blog must go on :D!
I wish I was a writer for this blog, it would be such a big achievement!
Great job everyone :)

Flavia. said...

Is great you are back!I was busy too but i will try to be more active

Karla - punkyrockkat. said...

I would love to write for this blog some day........... :D I love this blog! it's the best!

Ciara said...

Welcome back Jenna! (:
I'd love the blog to keep going, its the most active blog on here ;O

Panicfanforever said...

Welcome back!

Mailgirl101 said...

I have always been here.
I want everything to continue.
Btw jenna, we missed yuu. :)

Cansu said...

YAYAY(: Your back! I would love to write here :D


lili3y said...

I am still reading this blog of course :)
Im glad you're back!


Anonymous said...

i;m so happy that you back! :D the blog was great and with you it will be much great.. i always was joining the comps and comment!! hope you don't leave us! and one more thing..
i'm Miley (nickname) but my gmail don't work rght now so i have to put
Anonymous.. GoodLuck EveryBody And Have A Great Time And Merry Christmas!!

zenn6 said...

i'm glad you have returned. PLEASE PLEASE don't stop the blog, its the best blog out there. And i am sure that like me many people tune into the blog everyday before logging on to stardoll to see whats going on. :O)

dianuseeek said...

I am still reading :P Everyday ;] But I'm busy too and I don't have time to comment :P Yes we want nwe competitions!

xoxo Dianusek

MaNuElIcA-MiMi7 said...

I really adore this blog. Its the best and I would be really sad if it stops. :I The best thing about it is that writers writes new posts every day :] And it would be better if you make more competitions where you can win great prizes (it doesent have to b money, it can be some chlotes you choose :P ). Anyways, contunie writing and letting us know the newset stuffs, make more comppetitions and everything will be AMAZING ! ♡

chickorange said...

yayayayay!! sooo glad ur back jemmaxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Can you post the Miss Couture results tomorrow or something? xD

Anonymous said...

Aww welcome back. Your busy with school and things. So it okay to take breaks so you don't get too stress out.


Anonymous said...

And happy late sweet 16.^.^


Anonymous said...

Sorry i think you should sell the blog sorry jenna x

Love Vivaalajuicy

Anonymous said...

Jenna stop blogging please its boring now

Anonymous said...

Hey jenna i know you still probaly hate me after the rumour i made up about you im very sorry and i think you should carry on blogging

Tammy said...

You should keep bloging x

Isabella/Hotangel9 said...

Yay! I'm excited for the future of this blog. Good Luck, guys!

P.S: Loving the new banner, who made it? x

Lioba93 said...

Welcome back =)i love your block

Tina said...

Welcome back!(;
I'd love to see the blog still continuing!

DEMI_LOVANTO_2/ evanescenceakii said...

Oh thank you for coming back Jenna!! Well I am a new fan of Stardoll's Most Wanted( basically I am a huge "fan" of you since August)and I really have fun here! it's a perfect place to learn stardoll news and cheats! I wanna wish you Happy Birthday for you birthday in November! I also wanted to say you congratulations for the new picture of blog!! I really adore pictures like these but suddenly I don't know how to make a picture like this ( i mean with star-dolls like models)to my blog too! Anyway I'd love to see your new competitions and read all your posts! :) I can't wait to your next post girls!

p.s. I want to thank all writers of this blog for making my afternoons wonderful! :)

Unknown said...

Jenna, you're the best! I understand real life goes on and I hope you'll enjoy your sweet sixteen, that must be your priority of course! Anyway, if you've got any spare time for Stardoll, I'm sure all the fans of this blogs we'll be delighted!!
Also, your idea of searching for partners sounds good, I thing it's capital for you to enjoy and not to feel pressed in any way. Lots of love!

chocolatofreak said...

Happy to hear you're back and happy belated birthday lol (:

This is absolutely my favorite blog about Stardoll.
It's the first thing I check before visiting any other blogs for my daily pre-stardoll routine (:

And it's really cool how you are like busy in real life.
I turned 16 in October, yet I'm still a sad loser with no fucking life playing on Stardoll like 24/7


Ramona D said...

I'm happy you're here again,I'm kinda new,but this blog is the best stardoll blog.
Don't close it,the writers have done a very good job,they brought us daily news,spoilers and freebies.Ruth held the comps.

btw:I just love the banner

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Interesting to the Anon who say it's boring and to close... yet you are still here reading lol.

DEMI_LOVANTO_2/ evanescenceakii said...

xD Jenna you are right! lol!

Jessica/Jay.Pattinson said...

We are all glad that you came back because we all missed you! :D
And this blog is the best blog of stardoll! No one can imagine SMW over! You are doing an amazing job so please keep it going (you and all the writers here, of course) (:

JessicaVianaზ' said...

i'm still on stardoll world . not so active as before, but i'm still here :)

i'd like to keep on reading this blog . :)

great789 said...

Im happy too see you back. This is my fave stardoll blog what i love to read as its uptodate everyday and holds amazing compeitions! I hope you carry on with this, even if the writers are keeping it active when your not able to log on to it. I love this blog for everrr :']

Alienpop said...

Yay! Welcome back Jenna! I read this blog about 3 times everyday xD You guys rock!!!!! :D


J-Lee Vuitton/Demi_lavato10 said...

Eeeeeeee!! Your back! Yay :D

BeautyBxxtch said...

Woo! You're back, been a really long time :D
This blog is fantastic and it would suck if it was completely inactive :/

Gracieux said...

Hey Jenna! WB :)

You can see how many people post right? Well, I haven't been posting on here much lately.. It's because I'm very busy with school. Responding just takes too much times.
BUT: I check this blog at least 2 times a day!(!) First thing in the morning: when I have breakfast - and right before I go to bed. For now, I wouldn't want to Stardoll/live without this blog! No SMW = </3

Emmaxoxo123 said...

welcome back! and can you fix the chatbox? and also you should make a holiday themed contest!

Carolyn (LonnaLang) said...


Sorry about that. ^ I'm just so excited that you're back Jenna! ;) If it stopped I would seriously be SOOOO mad! >:(

medina1717 said...

this blog is my favorite out of all that I follow! As soon as I get to my computer I open stardoll+stardoll's most wanted!

Please continue or else I want know what to do....

thank-you for being.... AMAZING!


Mary said...

Hi Jenna we miss you.
I thing that the blog must go on because you keep us informed and very pleased with the comps.


Samantha said...

Welcome back! Glad to hear things have cleared up a bit. I hope you had a great sixteenth birthday.


*Festive Medoll Comp
*Viole Holiday Collection Comp
*Advent Calendar Items Comp
*Christmas StarDesign Comp

Good luck in the future with your blog!

Lia Jeanine / liajm said...

Welcome back!

Ariana said...

Yeah! keep the blog! It's great! :DD Really helpful!

Alex/Emiiliee_baybii said...

I'm SO happy you're back!! :D
Happy very very late birthday! xD

prima.princess said...

Good to see you back! :)

sk8ergirl_967 said...

Hey!I have a qwestion about the banner want to turn a banner in but im kinda new hear and i was asking how we turn it in. So plzz if u have the time reply back i know you guys like thousunds of coments plz reply back at my stardoll acount sk8ergirl_967

TulaFlower said...

I am Still here, I have been a Reader for a while but i never seem to comment of enter. I AM GOING TO. Keep going jenna. it is a wonderfull blog x

peacetrain said...

would be nice if you continue with the blog...i guess most of us hope you choose for that.

preciouspink said...

you're back
we missed chu!
glad ur back!

Mihaela said...

Aaa :D Amaazing!
I'm so glad you're back!

Kesha5662star said...

Hi!Im Stefania (Kesha5662star in stardoll)!I want to be a writer in SMW :) I want to right everything about news,interesting stuff or some warnings to the members and readers :)!!! i think ill do great stuff about the blog !:}

Kesha5662star said...

I want to be a writer about news,glitches maybe,interesting and strange stuff,and some warnings to all the members and readers :):)):) !!!!
kesha5662star in stardoll ;]
skype- black_perl_rose :) :)
Contact me ;)

Rab92 said...

It`s Great To See You`re Back, Jenna.
As For The Blog, I Hope You Continue With It. Whenever I Have Spare Time, I Make Sure I Come Here To See What`s New & Coming Soon To Stardoll.
So Don`t Give Up. Keep Going!


Foreversecret / Karina said...

Happy Super Late Birthday?

I'm glad you're back. =)

filipinhamaria said...

Im so happy tht u r bak Jenna i did miss u a lot, u can count wit my help always 4 everything n this is da best blog we have bout stardoll, it was n will be bc is amazing and da best i know.
xoxo Filipa

Ooglefish said...

I have to admit, i haven't been particularly active just recently and stardoll has been quite un-exciting too. Somedays i just don't have time to visit but when i have a spare minute, there just doesn't seem to be anything that draws me back in. Maybe a fresh start would be good, get things up and running again and see how it goes!

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