Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It get's better

Hello everyone, I'm Baya. I'm the owner of Elite News and writer for Perez Hilton of Stardoll. I'm here today to speak about a very very very urgent issue that I think it's important we all do something about.

I'm an avid reader of the real life Perez Hilton, and recently I discovered numerous posts about him discussing how there have been a rise in gay teens committing suicide in the states just in the past month. As a openly gay female, it saddens me to read such news.

Suicide is NEVER the answer. I've been fortunate enough to have a supportive family to guide me through the tough time in which I was picked on and ridiculed for being gay. For those who don't have that support, I can't image want your going through. It must be hard feeling like your alone, to the point you think suicide may be the best way out. But your NOT alone, there are so many resources out today that you can reach out to. One of them being The Trevor Project. I highly recommend you check out the site.

We must stand together and support each other.
It get's better.

If you want to raise awareness, blog about this important issue and/or leave the phrase "It get's better" on your presentation. Hopefully this will show some Stardoll users, who are going through a tough time that we're here to support them. Let's get the message out there and slowly make a difference in someones life.


Anonymous said...

I have seen plenty of videos on youtube about this and each one is amazing. But doesn't only have to be about gay teens its about people who are bullied in general. It does get get better.

Romana/Romana.Dawn said...


Kim/PopStarKizzle♥ said...

I absoloutly despise people judging people just because they are bisexual, lesbian or gay. They are just human too, like the rest of us. I hope things get better soon and everyone can look past this. I'm glad you did a feature on this, thank you.♥.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I've tried to kill myself about 4 times due to bullying. I'm so over it though now. I know how alone I felt, and I had enough. I still have all of the notes that I wrote to my loved ones, about how sorry I was for leaving them. But now after reading them over, I realise how wrong I was.

Nobody deserves to go through that, so I'm supporting this.

sienna90 said...

I found this project today on youtube. I think it's such a wonderful idea,it's such an ispiration to us all. It gets better,it really does.

Lemy100 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lemy100 said...

sad..:/ really it gets better..

Gosia said...

I thing if you are gay you just should keep it to you yourself, other ppl dont need know about this. Special most ppl on stradroll are age 12-14.
And thought this blog is about stardoll not support ppl with sexual problem.

Panicfanforever said...


Do you honestly think they should keep it do themselves? Being gay is not something they choose it's who they are. They shouldn't have to pretend to be someone else because other people don't like it. Also it's great that this has been highlighted in this blog. I think that the younger people find out about this kind of thing and about how bullying because of someones sexual orientation can lead someone to kill themselves is so important because they'll know it's wrong to discriminate.
Sorry I just had to say that!! Anyone it's great you've posted about this!

Gosia said...

of course i mean here, in your real life is good that you come out

MissVampire said...

@ i_am_colletor: that's just too harsh. I'm bisexual and I'm open about it. I don't care what hypocrites like you think about us, but there is gay/lesbian/bisexual girls on Stardoll and they might be bullied cause of it in real life. if we can help via Stardoll, we definitely should.

Baya Nikolas said...

Hiding your sexuality will only make things worse, it will make people who are gay feel like they have no right to be open about who they are. They're feel much more alone and lost. So no, I will never keep my sexually private, neither should anyone else.

And it's important that children and teens that are young know this before it's to late. For goodness sake, kids as young as 12 year olds are committing suicide. Why? Because society doesn't reach out to them!! We must change that before some other human being ends their life!

We must put our differences aside and look at the bigger picture. Life is a precious gift. We human beings after all, not monsters. Speak up and reach out.

Marina said...

i support this
it gets better!

Gosia said...

MissVampire i dont have nothing to ppl who are gay. I just think is not right place to help them. Maybe im wrong but i just say my opinion.

Anonymous said...
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Rayko said...

I so hope it gets better! I'm also supportive to gay's or bisexuals! They are human like all the other people!

Someone said...

Best Thing written here ever, this blog is about stardoll and that thing exists on stardoll so.. it's not out of topic =OO

Here no one ever come out , it's so freakin hard here because everyone would be so harsh to them ..
=[ life doesn't give you everything..

Cutiieee said...

people that are gay shouldn't feel the need to hide it away from stardoll or anywhere it's okay to be gay and people should respect others.

Shayan. said...

I love it gets better<3

I used to get bullied.

I love the LGBT community & im happy to be a part of it<3

Gosia said...

Anonymous you are gay and you want to ppl respect you so please respect other ppl ( my opinion too even if you dont like) and please dont say im stupid ok?!

Flavia. said...

That is so sad,but i like this project, is great!
Hope it get's better.

Gosia said...

Anonymous so be brave and tell who are you

Anonymous said...

I agree with i_am_colletor.

Anonymous said...

omg i cant believe ur getting picked on for being gay! they are so horrible the homophobes!!!!! x :@
I feel so sorry for the gay people who commit suicide because they feel as itts not okay to be gay!! :(( x

Anonymous said...

SMW was i great blog and I was checking few times a day to see the new posts...but in the last week it went so down...nothing interesting on the blog and now this: supporting gay and helping them in their problems...come on...what this have to do with stardoll....and even if there are gays on stardoll I dont care....stardoll is a virtual "fashion" world.. nobody cares if you are gay or not!!!

RachyFrank said...

@ i_am_collector I agree that stardoll is certainly not the place to talk about sex. But being gay isn't just about sex. A GLBT teen develops sexually the same way other teenagers do. They have the same feeling at 13 as other kids, just for different genders. I don't think people should talk about sex on stardoll, but a gay teen should be able to talk about their crush, just like every other young stardoll memeber, without the fear of bullying.

Eliana.Luck said...

I love this blog for talking about this! I hope to read more about issues like this in the future!

RachyFrank said...

Thank you for posting this! It's a great campaign and I'm glad someone is bringing it to stardoll. I don't talk about it a lot on stardoll, just because I don't really talk about my personal life on stardoll, but I am bi-sexual. I was very lucky to grow up in a very open and supportive environment, but I know a lot of people don't have it that easy. It does get better. And if you stick it out, you can move to California. ;)

Magda said...

I_am_collector, I personally think no one should have to hide their sexuality as it's not a thing one should be ashamed of, but I can see where you're coming from.

Stardoll was originally a forum for just little girls or a bit older to have fun, ans sexual issues or one's orientation were not among the allowed topics. But now as the world of "Stardoll outside Stardoll" has developed and grown into glorious amounts of blogs and magazines (some of which are quite promiscuous), it's a side-effect that topics such as sexuality will come into daylight. And it's great! We're not in Stardoll right now – were on the blogosphere, where there are supposed to be topics about topical things and issues.

And I 100% support Baya; it's awesome that someone can speak about their sexuality in such a non-whitewashed way. So do I respect and support the issue you're talking about. In my opinion accepting oneself is a much more important thing on one's way to build a healthy identity, than what others think about you.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

I_am_collector - everyone is entitled to their opinion, but everyone is right these problems do exist on stardoll as well. I have found some really great friends on Stardoll...that help me through some of the things I might not never even tell my real life BFF's, so maybe the Stardoll Community could really help some people.

I am NOT gay myself, but being gay is not a sexual problem. Because someone has a different sexual orientation doesn't make it a problem unless people make it one. They should not have to keep it to themselves. It's part of who they are..so you would ask them to live a lie or to be shameful because some don't want to hear about it??

Yes this blog is about Stardoll, but sometimes it is good to inject a little bit of real life into it.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

@ Anonymous-



Miss M said...

I find it wrong that people who are "Gay" or "Lesbian" are ridiculed for who they are. It's not exactly fair. They're being who they are. I'm not a lesbian, and I don't know any (except via SD) so I can't really sympathise. But I can empathise. (Alice Cullen in Eclipse Book (x) It's wrong society pushes them away. End of the day, they're still human beings, right? So why can't they have a chance to say what they want to? I think I might post it on my presentation (: It's really good you've opened people's eyes to this issue.

Gosia said...

Jenna i dont want ppl who are gey to lie or be sham, NO, like i say in 1st post i dont think is just good place. I agree that ppl who are gay need suport and help but just not here. if you think is good because, like you say.. sometimes it is good to inject a little bit of real life into it, so why dont saw any post about other problems? i read this blog over 1 year. More ppl kills self becuase dont accept body how they looks like. Magazines and other media make a rubbish in young head and tell us how we should look and this is much BIGGER problem and no one care.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


Several times over the blog's span..we have discussed RL issues. I can't discuss them all, but from time to time I see NO ISSUE with it. If you don't like it I'm sorry, but this is my blog and my decision as to what I support. Baya came to me and asked me to post it and because I thought it was a good message and something she was passionate about..I asked her to post it.

I am not saying that people should openly discuss their sex lives on stardoll..you are right it is not the place for that. Gay or straight..BUT they should be able to be open about who they are without ridicule.

Stardoll is about fashion, but if you think that that is the only thing people discuss on here, you'd be fooling yourself.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Oh and I'm not sure of much bigger issues than people losing their lives.

Big or small in your eyes..everyone should do their part to try and prevent that..

Anonymous said...


Gosia said...

Jenna is not upset me, i know you want good. Im older and i was just think about other very young ppl who are on stardoll and reading your very popular blog.

and btw i think now is fashion be a gay or bi

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. I've experienced that - one of my best friends was gay and people were laughing at him. He told me once: "I can't support this anymore. Sometimes I just want to stop living!"
That's the reality. People have an old and stupid mentality but guess what? We're in century XXI! Girls use jeans, boys kiss boys and girls kiss girls!
What's the problem? We're all equal, we're humans that can love!

Gosia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gosia said...

Anonymous yes you are stupid and for ppl like you i think i can change my mind and good jenna was posst about this because yoou need help
you must have lost ppl who hate you around and you try poisen other

私には said...

Homosexual People Are Kind,Cool And Awesome! And Dont Deserve To Be Treated Like There Nothing ...Nobody Can Help Who They Love, And Everybody Should Accept That,And,Try To Commit Suicide Or Commit It Is Never The Answer.

So Am Supporting This Campign Because(:

It Does And Has To Get Better <3

私には said...


and i just dont mean loving the same gender other homosexual issues

Tina said...

Omg, I think that is absolutely horrible! D:

Dloo3t almama said...

no comment!!

Princess__17 said...

Omg, people. Why are you fighting? i_am_collector just said her opinion, and all you should respect it!

Anonymous said...

We're all wearing purple on the 20th at my Uni to honor them. Purple represents Spirit on the LGBTQ flag. It would be cool if we could dress our Stardolls up in purple.

QT_Yaz said...

wow, well said. SUICIDE is not the choice people! god gave a gr8 life and you disobey him and...

Unknown said...

It gets better, I absolutely agree. Anyone -for any reason whatsoever- may feel deeply sad on certain occasions, but we must all remember that after a storm -even the worst one ever- always the sun starts shining again. So just keep going on, your life is too precious for yourself and it does get better.

J-Lee Vuitton/Demi_lavato10 said...

@Jem Yeah I totally heard about that it's on facebook too. And Suicide is really nawt the answer!

Mihaela said...

It get's better ;)

To be honest,I'm not really big fan of gay,lesbain or bisexuals people.But,I know they're humans too and we have to respect them.They just have different orientation.
It's really not fair to them,cause they are not stated in society :/

It get's better!

Gwen (ilovebears9) said...

I hate this homophobic bullying. I have an uncle that is gay, and I love the gay community - they are such loving people! Also, one of my absolute best friends is going through this, just because he is really into musical theatre. I hear them call him a "fag" (excuse my language - i HATE that word), and assorted other things, and I hate it, especially because he is not gay. Furthermore, they are just insulting him and the gay community with stereotypes. People are so malicious and cruel. I posted this in my presentation. This is important to me.

Anonymous said...

So true, but I think bullying and degrading people in general has to stop. I don't know what that person may be going through. But there is always a better way and still some good people that they can reach out to. Sadly I been there. I don't fear death and have an interesting look on life now. And now won't let people and things get me down. I don't get why some would pick on or hate gays. And mostly they would try and bring religion into it. Let it go, we are all humans. Some people are sick.

I feel so bad for that guy's family. And piss of at those two students. I hope they damn get jail time for that. Now they have to live with possibly being the cause for someone ending their life. -hugs cianboland- Sometimes things can come as a blessing in disguise.


Anonymous said...

Yesterday, someone called me a fag, and the next person called me a queer. I know why it was, it was because I was wearing tartan trousers, a baggy top and rainbow sneakers.

Do you know what I did? I told them to go fuck themselves. And they stopped hassling me. I HATE using bad language towards others, but I put them in their place. I felt better.

Anonymous said...

IA with some. It's must be even harder to be intersex,bi, etc. Especially when there seems to be a negative light with it. People shouldn't hide their true self, if they feel it's them. A person shouldn't be force to hide being gay, etc. But of course even though there is a small supporting community. I know some are saying this isn't the place for it. But kids younger and younger are going through stuff. I think stardoll has more older memembers than younger. You don't have to put on stardoll, o I'm gay or straight or your business. But that's what blogs are for, to get people to talk about things and sometimes share things in common.

It's still frown on, and it shoudn't be. Maybe part of that reason is as a whole we still fear the different or can't understand it fully. And also most won't talk about it, besides the stars so far. We won't learn to deal with it or see it as "normal" until eveyone gets on the same page and knows more about it. It's sad some people think that way not only abouy gays, or intersex, but mostly everything else that's different. Hopefully the future will be better.


sarah // blueberry-dream said...

Finally, people are raising awareness.
I think everyone should stop with the homophobic bullying, people should stop using 'gay' as an insult, being gay/bisexual/lesbian doesn't make you different from any others. I myself have a gay friend, and thank God everyone here is supportive and doesn't bully him.

Lelaela said...

I personally think in my opinion that people do CHOOSE to be gay/lesbian/Bisexual I'm not saying anything bad about them and I don't support gay bashing, or any violence or discrimination towards those people and I support GLBT but I do think that they can choose to be GLBT if we were supposed to love the same sex then we would all be the same sex but were not and I hope nobody will be discriminatory towards me or others who have the same opinion as me because then you are no better then those who discriminate GLBT

Wtf?? said...

^why would anyone wanna choose to be gay? it's like choosing to get bullied and get discriminated against! if people had a choice in what sex they like, they wouldn't choose to be gay.
born that way. so don't dare say they choose this, because nobody would want to suffer though want they go through!

Lelaela said...

^ sorry you feel that way but I believe that and I really don't know why they would want to be GLBT but apparently they do

Pink_Lover786 said...

i think that if you are gay then you should keep it to urself then tell everyone about your personal life to prevent bulliying and to prevent sucide!;)

Toni said...

I have seen a lot of topics about suicidal teens. Mostly in TV news, on the internet and in the newspaper. Myself I'm not gay, but I really support any sexual orientation. Bisexuals and lesbians/homosexuals should be open about this in real life, but should'nt reveal it here. They can, okay, but I think that, for theyre safety it would be better that they don't. I have a gay friend, and he's an even better friend than some girls, You are blessed if You have a gay friend. They should talk with their parents when they first realise they're gay, keeping it in Yourself is NOT the answer, and never will be! You should'nt be something You're not, Your true friends would support You. Bully's only bully You because they don't know how You feel, You can't choose who You want to be, You just get born. I hope that my comment will help anyone bi/gay here.

^You really SHOULD read my comment.

Petra M.

RachyFrank said...


Actually, the scientific community disagrees with you. The jury is still out on how much is nurture and how much is nature, but the consensus among psychologists and the academic community at large is that homosexuality is NOT a choice. And it is NOT a disease or disorder. Human sexuality is much too complex to be reduced to black and white terms.

Selena said...

huh ? something about stardoll ? i didn't understand xD

Anonymous said...

IA with Rachy and wtf also. There’ll always be a debate about if it’s real or if a person is born that way. Until scientists pin points what exactly cause our sexual preference in the womb. We can't know for sure and it shouldn't be the only thing we can go by. Few scientists are trying to still find the gay gene, really why?

Instead of trying to weaken or get rid of more serious diseases, like diabetes or Parkinson if they’re using science like that. Maybe some are doing that. But that and making the perfect baby is just fooling with nature. There’re so many hidden things in our minds and systems. It would take forever to figure why people act or what causes things.

It would be funny and interesting if it's proven that the opposite, or different was right or normal all along. What ever normal is. I'm glad you posted this. It gets people to talk, even if people disagree.


No-one in particular said...

i read about this on stardoll's most hated D;
it's really got to stop -.-

Anonymous said...

Baya, i dnt c anythng wrng wth dis, bt plz dnt mke othr ppl gay on EN, coz dey myt nt lyk it.

♥Petra/Shakira_Avril said...

It doesnt get better :)
Im not gay,im just saying it about life.

Lea said...

hope it's get better..

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