Thursday, September 23, 2010

Free dress

Hi everyone :D

Stardoll is giving out a
free dress;
Get the dress just by clicking HERE and purchasing!

(thanks to USD)

If you are from UK,click HERE and it will be in your suite ^^
If you`re not,follow these steps:

1.Make sure you`re logged out from Stardoll
2. Set your manual proxy to and port 8080
3.Go to
4. Log in
5. And then go to:
You dont have to watch the video,
it will be in your suite :)

(Thanks to TSI)

Noticed how Stardoll changed some things again?

(click to enlarge)
I found the previous one more
practical than this but okay,its not a big change :D

Have a nice day,


Miss M said...

It's OK...
Thanks! :D
First :)

Miss M said...

It's OK...
Thanks! :D
First :)

xoxo said...

not the best dress, but it's free so i'll get it (:

Princess__17 said...

Aw, I don't get this manual proxy's lol, but the dress is cute(:

Anonymous said...

well thanks,but i won't get it-i hate proxies

Anonymous said...

how can I use this proxy ?

Kim/PopStarKizzle♥ said...

Im from the UK so I got the dress. ;D Its nothing special though. And I prefered the old layout, the add a friend button is much smaller than it was before.♥

Kim/PopStarKizzle♥ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Natoustars said...

I'll dont get it because I never use manual proxy ^^ Thanks

Mailgirl101 said...

Thanks! I like it. Another cute freebie. :]

anaKonda said...

This dress is for SS only, right?
Cuz i tried it on my non-SS account first and it didnt work....

--rihanna---- said...

manual proxy oh noo=/

Dimitrina Georgieva said...

Will not get it . :D

Nico / FawnLove said...

It's really cute, but when it comes to manual proxies I get really lazy so unless I'm feeling very inspired I'll probably just pass :)

Romana/Romana.Dawn said...

manaul proxy is stupid.

lady__gagaa said...

I hate manual proxies, so I won't get it. But thank you ^^


Júlia said...

Thanks for tip :))

katara4 said...

the proxy doesnt work for me :O

and about that change... i dont think it was necessary >_>

chocolatofreak said...

That's ashame :/

I really like that dress,
It's not for my country though, so I have to use like a proxy thing, but I hate those :/

Guess I'll have to miss out. lol
Boo :/

Mihaela said...

It`s simple,but beautiful.Ehm.I would probably never wear it xD

Mihaela said...

Ahh.I hate using proxies!

JessicaVianaზ' said...

I think it's really simple but it's peaceful and i like it :3

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Whoever is leaving the really rude anonymous comments can you please grow up already and stop. You keep saying you are going to stop reading because she is a writer here....WELL STOP READING ALREADY. DAMN.

Dloo3t almama said...

I got it by used manual proxy XP
next time I should wait before get any free things by manual proxy

the other way is more easier !!

RachyFrank said...

I think I already have it? It's pretty sad that I don't even know. I think I have too many clothes, lol.

LouiseBabeh said...

That link doesn't work.

Pink_Lover786 said...

I Really Like it!!:)..But it Wont Work!!:@:(

BeautyBxxtch said...

It's pretty plain and it's not a great shape but it's free [:
Thanks for the tip, by the way!

Lea said...

Thanx, love this simple dres..

Caroline said...

It's not too pretty, but it's free so why not? ;)

Anonymous said...

but the new link for purchasing didn't work!

Anonymous said...

Awesome it's pretty and I'm sure I can accessorize it well :D

JessicaVianaზ' said...

Hum, it's not actually working anymore.. thank God i got it :)

Anonymous said...


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