Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Free skirt & necklace

Hey people! ;)

*The skirt was posted a few days ago by Houpisonfire, but not the necklace. So I thought I'd post both again.
Stardoll is giving out a free skirt & necklace.

*If you are from Poland click HERE and enter the contest
-If not,follow these steps:
1. Go to:
2. Type in the proxy`s blank URL box.
3. Hit enter or click OK
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Paste this link in the proxy`s URL bar and hit enter on your keyboard:
6. Leave the proxy,
Necklace will be in your Beauty Parlor and skirt in a giftbox in your suite :]

(thanks to TSI)
Do you like them & will you be getting them?



lady__gagaa said...

Thank you very much ^^. I like the skirt :))


Anonymous said...

Didn't Ruth already posted about the skirt? :O

Unknown said...

The necklace is the Aquarium symbol I think :)

anaKonda said...

The necklace is cute but not really my style.

iloveanimals28 said...

I already have the skirt from an earlier post, and I got the necklace! It was for sale once in the plaza, but luckily, I never got it XD Thanks petra!

Júlia said...

Thnkas for tip :)

JessicaVianaზ' said...

Wohoo, I'm going to do it, but only for the necklace lol :P

(My mom is Aquarium x])

--rihanna---- said...


Anonymous said...

Please be sure to check earlier posts before posting. The skirt was already posted by Ruth.

No-one in particular said...

thanks petraa ;P

Mailgirl101 said...

Ithink that ruth already posted about the akirt..

lacestockings/Mary said...

Thanks Petra ;)

Miss M said...

Haha, thanks Petra, but still pass [;

LaFee-supergirl said...

Yeah, well..... the things are okay for free items :)

Cutiepie80 said...

Thankyou x

Rayko said...

Thx. xD

Anonymous said...

i got them, anything free i get ;D

RachyFrank said...

I have the skirt, and I don't really like the necklace enough to bother with the whole proxy thing. But thanks for sharing!

Princess__17 said...

I already have both things, but thanks for telling us, Petra!

Dloo3t almama said...

already got them .. anyway thanks =)

Mihaela said...

Thanks.I don`t like them :P

Anonymous said...

Hii i like so much those free thing's ! But i want to ask: is it right that those things were availabel in the starplaza ? please i need answers

bellajella1997 said...

thank you for the proxies :)

QT_Yaz said...

im wearing both at the moment :P

Metalbrytta/Britt. said...

New magazine coming!
Here is a spoiler for this blog:
For more info, go to or visit metalbrytta!

Natoustars said...

I don't like them so i'll not take them ^^

Anonymous said...

Thanks (:

dianuseeek said...

I have them :)

Nico / FawnLove said...

I like both pieces very much, thanks so much!

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