Wednesday, August 4, 2010

SFW Take Over - Day 2 (Casting!)

Hello and welcome back to the Backstage of the most anticipated fashion show on Stardoll! Spring-Summer collections are all on the make, SFW assistants prefer working to sleeping, lots of projects and people are now flowing through our arms to get to be involved in the project, but we still are keeping the high standards!
Almost all media partners are in the list, almost all designer as well! By the way, I just got to know about the girl, who makes graphics for Stardollars - I've noticed someone asking what if she only can draw sketches, so if you really want to participate - team up with someone!
Also, new possibilities have come: You can now become a face of Stardoll Fashion Week! What is that? Well, imagine you're featured in every SFW spoiler, on the official site, runway shows, first raw, place in FGmodels... sounds good eh? And the thing is that you don't need to do a thing - just make two print screens and... ahh read it HERE better. The only thing I can say that you have to follow the SFW blog and the deadline is on Saturday.
Also, we're actually searching for Fashion Blogs on SD... yeah, that! There weren't a lot of them lately, and we need those for the reviews of the shows and a lot of other fashionable things. Yesterday I've made a State of Fashion already, but that's not enough, right? So, if you were planning to start a fashion blog - why not now? Create your own Stardoll's! :) And if you had, tell me in my Guestbook (click)

Also, I have some exclusive info. My priceless manager Becka made up a lot of cool ideas, and one of that is... Stardoll Fashion Week awards after the SFW! So, you will vote for your favorite designer, collection, item, and so on :) The winner of the grand price will be featured in Eternity and many other Stardoll fashion magazines! Also, Two weeks before the show we'll start selling SFW's tees on the SFW Account, and that person who buys one will take part in a lottery and win awesome prices! You'll see which later, because we've prepared a lot of surprises!

So, Let's sum up? Become a Face of SFW, Make your very own, and Win the gifts and features!

Stay tuned :)

xx Mary


Anonymous said...

Cool ;)

Heart Newbridge said...

Awesomeawesomeawesome :D
Thanks for opening me up to Tiesto btw, escape meee, bottles under tiresss :D

l0nelly said...

that is so good

Richard said...

It's a fantastic IDEA!!

JĂșlia said...

wow ...amazing idea :)

Samantha Tyler said...

Great idea !

Jule ♥ said...

fantastic idea!

sd_is_da_best / Sinead said...

This is so amazing. You're creating your own little universe :)

Anonymous said...


Flavia. said...

Amazing ideea ! :x

sahar-star said...

I really like this project!!

Maddy/maddy65 said...

Cool idea(:

Marie Riverwing/rralucaa1996 said...

This is really a serious project . Love it !

coolgirl_1412 said...

Wow Thats really cool

Caitriona (freelife07) said...

Alsolutely Brilliant :D

Gwen (ilovebears9) said...

I have a stardoll fashion blog if u are interested! We basically do this fashion thing every day! ;)

pRiNcEssCRaZy46/Rana said...

Sounds awesome! I might give it a try.

I draw in real life, I don't graphic design but I have no idea who to team up with... :/

♥Petra/Shakira_Avril said...

Thats an amazing idea really :]] its gonna be such a hit^^

No-one in particular said...

Awesome idea! :D

nordwalde said...

Brilliant project!!

Blahm3 said...

Thats really cool :)

Crystal said...

Wow! What a wonderful idea! It's going to be amazing, I just know it!

kitykat4 said...

This sounds amazing. I think it is a great idea!!!!!

Cherri Blossom said...

luv it Xx

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Ooooh exciting.I love the face of stardoll idea. I entered :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love listening to all these posts by SFW (:

Mailgirl101 said...

Just great!
I think I will pass all of these extreme contests..

friendofyou said...

Eeeek! Exciting! :DDDD

Nalco said...

Yeah! Good stuff, good plans to come. Can't wait to see it. I would have really liked to do someting, but..but I'l see.
We'll all help you as we can to run your prject wich is also for us.

JessicaVianaზ' said...

As I said before, let's find some talent! :D

Melissakuh said...

This is all so amazing! I'm all excited about everything after reading this post!

Stardoll is becoming a little more interesting again! :D Yaay!

E said...

I entered this one. I would so love to be a face of Stardoll Fashion Week Take Over 2010. It would be so huge opportunity for me. I've never ever won anything at stardoll. And that would be a dream come true!!

MissLotsaSmiles said...


Lea said...

awesome and gorgeous.. Love the idea..

Anonymous said...


RachyFrank said...

Wow, that's a lot of stuff going on.

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