Tuesday, May 18, 2010


While changes, changes, changes. Stardoll has increased the Starbazaar sales limit to $500sd and now there is a 10% commission on all sales instead of $1sd. This I am not happy about. It actually sucks as Stardoll will now be making $50sd on every $5sd we sell. This really hurts those who trade this way or people like me  who give stardollars as prizes. Oh well I should be use to it by now..right. Stardoll wants to ruin all our fun. ;) So what do you think about it?


Miss M said...

Useful if you want to sell something Rare or LE/Antidote, and don't feel comfortable trading. You buy something, and 10% goes to Stardoll, not the owner? Weird. And also, what happens if you sell something for $2sd? Or can you? xD. Because you cannot really get 0.2 of a Stardollar...xD

Overall, sort of a good change. 50/50 atm...

JessicaVianaზ' said...

I think it sucks. We lose all of our makes in starbazaar, one thing wich should help us to earn money, not to lose..

Miss M said...

@tokio_punk: Same. But like Jenna said, what were we supposed to expect?

And never mind what I said before about 0.2 sd's. Idk what I was just thinking. xD

Szandy said...

OMG!! The eye it's my stardesign :DD
Yeeahh :D

sahar-star said...

I kind of like it and hate it at the same time
now more people sell rares in Starbazaar and you do't have to look for them, plus, you can sell rare clothes whenever you want (if they worth 500 or less) without having to look for a buyer as whoever wants te item can buy it easily without a deal
YET a lot of pople put clothes for ridiculous prices just cause they can and the fact that we don't get all of the Stardollars sucks, when I want to sell something for 300 I put it for 333 so I get the 300 Stardollars I want and that way someone will have to lose more money :/

Ruth said...

Greeedy stardoll :P
It's now making people greedy - that's the worst fact from this all.

But well there won't be so much scammers by this.

Sanam said...

Really happy about the rise in price range,becuase scamming will be a lot lower now,and it will be much more easier for people to sell their rares for over 60sd,like it used to be.That was such a hassle.

But the commision charges?! RIDICULUS. i cannot believe they are charging so much now,i used to be annoyed about the 1sd they took from us before,but now its EVEN worse.Like wtf?.Ox

Nadia/thegorgusgirl said...

I hate it! It's so dumb, so I probably won't sell as much now as stardoll makes money from US selling OUR things. :/

co0ol_soso said...

for me i like it and i dont like it .. i like it coz that mean no scammers any more & i dont like it coz we lose our money (((((stardoll only need money)))))

Anonymous said...

Greedy :[

Lori/-boo. said...

o, new hb bodysuit is out!
@ evil panda (: i like it.
can you credit meh?

Evita.Sweet said...

I like that idea, tarding and selling is much safer.

Tiina--- said...

This is awful ;//

The prices for SS went up AGAIN!
I won't pay 6 euros for a month ss...
it used to be 2 euros

Fatooni said...

I hate it |:
Like, if you sell something for 500 you get 450...That makes no sense!
We want our FULL 500.
Greedy Stardoll. :|

Eva said...

I don't like it!
10% fee? WTF!
The trading was better! It wasn't as safe, but still...

Kirbybabey said...

I think its silly ;(
But good if you wanna get rares without the hastle of trading and stuff, i saw sooo many rares in starbazar!

_funnyprincess_ said...

That sucks! What am I gonna do? If I sell something for 500sd I lose 50sd!!

Sierra Lang (iswim19) said...

I hate it!
What's with the 1O% comission?
People are charging more because stardoll is stealing their stardollars! But on the up side I see tons of old LE - I've seen cupid so far and I hope to find jewelled bandage. But you have to hurry - I stalled and missed my chance!

FatimaaaaaL said...

mean mean mean,what does sd do w/the $ any way?


nicole24-7 said...

I'm so upset about this...
What do they get out of it??? They sure are good at finding ways to rip us off :/

Unknown said...

I think that really sucks... even it's good that now we can sell things till 500 sd... but still stardoll is thinking AGAIN about how to make more money, not how to make they users happier...

Anónimo said...

now ppl will exagerate on prices! i've seen some ppl selling not so good clothes for expensive prices!

Rab92 said...

As I Said Before, Stardoll Is Taking Us All For A Total Ride! And I`m Glad You`ve Noticed (Even Though It Took You Long Enough).
What Are They Planning On Doing Next?


Wenqi said...

wow they even featured some member's designs! but now it kind of sucks with the 10% fee thingy

Chicago3 said...

Love the idea, but hate the commission...I mean, why would Stardoll need to function with commission...wait, that's right, they are ripping us off once again!

Lia Jeanine / liajm said...

@sahar-star I totally agree! I really don't understand what stardoll doese w/the stardollard anyway...

Anonymous said...

no rare is a rare anymore.
i have gotten 2 dkny first seasons today like nothing.

Anonymous said...

This totally sucks
But a lot of people sell old DKNY and
LE and ANTIDOTE so mabey we can get used tu it...
WHY 10? Why a big 10 %???

l0nelly said...

stardoll really sucks

Melissakuh said...

Hmm.. I'm not really a frequent buyer nor seller of Starbazaar, so I guess this doesn't really affect me. But it does affect a LOT of members on Stardoll.

LadyAllison en Lady Popular said...

I agree with most comments. It was indeed a good measure to stop and prevent scamming. It also means that items that couldn't be found in the starbazaar are now available.
The sale fee is really high. And it has triggered prices going up real fast. Nobody wants to lose a dime. And that's not reasonable. The tax should be afforded by both parties, the seller and the buyer, so we should keep that in mind before putting a price to an item. But also, as in real life, we have to be careful with raising prices. Cause as in real life, unrational raise of prices causes inflation and it makes the purchasing power of ppl fall abruptly. Let's keep in mind that maintaining the purchasing power to be able to afford higher priced items means buying more stardollars with REAL money. For all of us.


dieBrInI06 said...

The mail for Germany sound a bit like "Very cheap, only 10% instead of 1$" Wearen't that dumb as stardoll think. 10% is definedly more than 1 Stardollar.

Cherri Blossom said...

so stupid what is stardoll going to do with virtual money anyway!!
but i do lyk that we get to sell stuf for 500

No-one in particular said...

I hate it

I guess the only good part is that I sold something for 4OOsd yesterday.

lipgloss_babe91 said...

Well of course it will help cut down scamming but there are many items worth over 500sd and besides we only get 450sd if we sell somthing for 500sd and of course no sellers will wont to loose out so prices will be going up on rares =/
I'd rather it stayed at 60sd tbh coz most stuff i sell for under 60sd but still ill be affected by the changes i think this is wrong. the 10% should only apply to items over 60sd! xXxXx

lipgloss_babe91 said...

I've just visited the starbaza and realised the most annoying thing about this...
People selling crap for 500sd =/ the bazar's full of it xXxXx

SdoreMe/Ayumi said...

Stardoll is really becoming one hell of a rip off :S, okay it might be good since some people will not get scammed in a way.. But still "Rip Off".

Anonymous said...

so mad and angry :@

lady__gagaa said...

i hate it too, i said this at the other post abouth the starbazaar changes, but i'll say it here too: THIS IS PLAIN STUPID. why 10% go to stardoll? how can they use them? why so much? this is not greedy, this is nonsence...


Lea said...

Still can't buy it

Pandora J ♥ said...

10% is A LOT. I think we should get money in star bazaar instead of lose.


Someone said...

the lamest ever!

BershkaGirl601 said...


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