Tuesday, May 4, 2010

MelsModels Task One !

Hey Everyone! Some of you may know of my club, MelsModels, on stardoll. It is just like a virtual top model show, but it takes place through sceneries. Every week there is a task and every week someone is eliminated. Since Jenna became a judge for this cycle (fourth cycle) she offered to sponsor the club, and that includes a weekly post where I announce the winner of that week's task and show their scenery to the Stardoll's Most Wanted population! Although it is too late to join this cycle of MelsModels, it is never too late to join the club and watch the competition unfold!

To join MelsModels click HERE

Anyways! This was the first task of the cycle, and each of the 20 contestants had to convey an inanimate object that they chose to describe their personality. Everyone simply did a splendid job, but the judges and myself came to a decision, and our favorite was..

Aharper1243 ! ! !

Above is her winning scenery! Isn't it just amazing? Her object was a willow tree, and we thought her scenery portrayed the beauty, strength, and elegance of a willow tree while she still remained a model!

Stay tuned for next week's winner, and do not forget to comment with what you think, and if you have any questions be sure to ask!


Chicago3 said...

Congrats! I saw her scenery and I knew it was a winner!

Wenqi said...

wow! congrats to the winner! she did a REALLY good job!

Anonymous said...

congrats. i really like it!

Anonymous said...

Its amazing :)
I love it :D

Rab92 said...

I`m A Member Of Your Club, Mel.
I Also Am A Manager Of A Modeling Club Myself, It`s Called CountryModels & It`s Great.

Congratulations, I Like It.
I Looked Through All The Sceneries, I Had Another Favourite Too, It Was Toxxic.Angel`s. It Probs Didn`t Go With The Whole Idea Of The Scenery, But I Still Liked It!


AnĂ³nimo said...

i really lie it! i didn't see the others sceneries, but for sure she deserves it!

SummerKiss_24 said...

Congrats! That looks amazing! Its a very strong & original image!

Anonymous said...

I Had NOOOO Idea That My Scenery Would Be Posted On Here!
This Is My Favorite Blog, And I Am So Happy and Surprised That I Won This Week, And That I Was Able To Be Featured On This Blog. Hopefully I Will Continue To Do Well.
This Is Amazing, I Cant Stop Smiling:)

Anonymous said...

luv the scenery and luv the idea of the club and the post and the task and the winner


FatimaaaaaL said...

COngratz, love the scenerie!!!


Vintage-Glamour said...

Its amazing! I wish i joined the cycle though :)

Jojo said...

Congrats! and I found a new free thing on stardoll! Its from stardoll cinema just click on this URL and watch the video then go to ur suite and ta da!!! Its their! NO PROXY NO NOTHING
(The Monster High video)

nicole24-7 said...

Wow, awesome job! :)
That's just lovely ^^

Maddy/maddy65 said...

Wow, that is amazing!
Congrats :)

Someone said...

who chose that task's topic?
it's such an amazing topic :OO
great work guys i loved the scenery but can you post some others who you honored to be mentioned? so we can see more and more.

SdoreMe/Ayumi said...

Oh my gosh! That's so pretty :o
Thanks a lot for the post mel :) And I'd love to see more sceneries if it is possible, of the runner ups or sceneries that are worth a mention ^^

Mihaela said...

Her scenery is amazing!!
Congrats :D

Evita.Sweet said...

Wow! This scenery is amazing.

_funnyprincess_ said...

WOW, it looks awesome. It definetly inspired me. I love this kind of comp, they show the creativity of many people. <3

miss-kamcia said...

free t-shirt

Melissakuh said...

Woooow! It's one of the best sceneries I have seen on Stardoll. She is very talented!

Mailgirl101 said...

That scenery is great!

Flavia. said...

amazing scenery:X
congrats her !

Anonymous said...

I wanted to take part so badly but I was away when you, Mel, started this cycle :(

Sweet.Kitty said...

Congratz!Amazing scenery :))

Ruth said...

Congratulations ☺

Pandora J ♥ said...

Amazing! Congrats :]


No-one in particular said...

Oh my goodness,
How beautiful(:♥

Nathalie/x-princess_N-x said...

It was amazing!
I'm happy i got through too :D

dieBrInI06 said...

It's an amazing scenery. I really ♥ it.

Miss M said...



peace_oglory said...

Wow! It's beautiful!

Sophie said...

Isn`t She Amazing?She Also Won ALL The Thing sIn A Row So Far Except One In Junior Models!!
Good Luck Harper!!

Someone said...

There is a free t-shirt , http://www.stardoll.com/en/cinema/?id=148
use myproxy.ca

l0nelly said...



Nathalia said...

It is brilhant

Anonymous said...

keep posting!

Lea said...

Amazing, I love it..Great job..

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