Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Amy Claire is now on sale on Starplaza. The prizes are from 6 stardollars the most cheap till 16 stardollars the most expensive.
On this Collection the colours are black, yellow and grey. Some pieces are gorgeous and very feminine. We can see that some dresses are new and others Stardoll just changed the colour.



Alice said...

I love the yellow dress, but oh well, the last collection was anyways much better ..1st comment :):P

Samantha Tyler said...

Like it. Really elegant. I've bought 2 dresses and the parrot shirt.

Nadia/thegorgusgirl said...

It's really stupid at how Stardoll just made some dresses different colours :/
I'm going to buy some of the new things that I haven't seen :]

Miss M said...

The black dress you've shown is cute! Love it!

Melissakuh said...

I really like the clothes! Very elegant and quite classy!
My favourite piece is the black shirt thingy.

Evita.Sweet said...

:) I like that shop. Very classy.

Cherri Blossom said...

some really pretty stuff i would buy sum !!

BershkaGirl601 said...


Kirbybabey said...

I bought nothing last time, so this time im going to buy lots :)

Rab92 said...

The Long Yellow Maxi Dress Is Really Nice.
The Sunshine Yellow Is A Hot Colour For This Season, And So Is The Maxi Dress. So I Guess It`s A Good Idea To Put Them Together Lol.


Mihaela said...

Ohh,well they`re almost the same like 1st collection

Sanne Mons†er said...

I love the collection, but why did they only change the color of some pieces, no inspiration? But the other, i L♥VE them ;-) I think i'm going to buy something.

Anónimo said...

too simple and basic! first collection much better!

_funnyprincess_ said...

I love the yellow items, even though I already own them but in other colours. I love the colors, but it looks just like the previous collection.

Ooglefish said...

These collections are great but ashame they're so expensive, i'm guessing the $6 items are just shoes? Deffo buy something though!

Fatooni said...

I LOVE the new collection :D
I think this shop is going to stay for a while since there are 3 more spaces.

Mailgirl101 said...

I bought some. I'm going to buy more..
I love Amy Claire.
Maybe because it's a real brand, but it's mostly because those dresses are classy and really cute!

Pandora J ♥ said...

I love the yellow long dress... It's gorgeous,I bought it :] And I really love some other dresses too,but they are quiet expensive... :S


Sierra Lang (iswim19) said...

This is so cute!
I bought a lot. IF you want to buy the entire collection it costs 144 sd.

Someone said...

pretty much the old collection ;(

Anonymous said...

I like this collection alot, but I wish the items were for everyone to buy :(

Anonymous said...

I love them :)
I'm only buying one dress, cuz they will go on sale later :P

nicole24-7 said...

There are really cute things, but they're too plain to be that pricey :/

Wenqi said...

there's also a stardesign version of the long yellow dress

Maddy/maddy65 said...

I bought 2 things that are new, but nothing else :)

l0nelly said...

I bought them all

soo nice and simple

Vintage-Glamour said...

This collection is so much better than one before!

The black pieces go great with any outfit! I could wear these anywear.

I like AMYCLAIRE because sometimes I run out of outfits so I take a simple dress from here and add it with some pumps or chunky necklace.

Ruth said...

I like this collection more than 1st one [:

Lea said...

I can't buy that, but good..

Unknown said...

I absolutely love this new collection! Way better than the first one...

lady__gagaa said...

the collection is very similar to the previous one, but in these one theres' more yellow and no red. however, i like some of the pieces. they're cute and easy to make outfit with :)

Anonymous said...

Love this store!

Chicago3 said...

Cute! I wish Amy Claire had more intricate designs, she can be much more unique then she is.

FatimaaaaaL said...

awww, I wish i was SS.


natasha-rox286 said...

I bought them all :]
for 110sd

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