Tuesday, April 6, 2010



RULES: No asking for votes or you will be disqualified. Polls are for blog & club members only. If you know someone breaking the rules please tell me as it's unfair to others.

PRIZE: $25sd or 25sd in gifts

Ends April 14th



Kirbybabey said...

Ohh thats just typical, the only row of pics i cant see is the one im on o_O

Thanks for including me though :) xxx

No-one in particular said...

My fav was Houpisonfire's outfit<3v

forever-69 said...

im in it! yay! thanks :)

l0nelly said...


love this dress


Lillyandmile/Lilly said...

wow i loved the dress, and these outfits make it all the more elegant :)

AnĂ³nimo said...

well i liked 2 of them! good luck girls!

Chicago3 said...

Thank you so much for including me...I love how pople made the outfit their own :)

Zerobeth said...

What happened to "HB Shoulder Chains Belt" poll???
Did I miss it or never was there?
I was waiting for it and I am on here everyday :(
If it's somewhere and I missed it please give me link ..

chocolatofreak said...


i vote kitty power!!

sahar-star said...

wow I just LOVE Ruths outfit!
good job & good luck everyone (:

sahar-star said...
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Julie/Sparkle.glimmer said...

Love All The Outfits (=

Someone said...

I liked like 5 or 6 but the most unique and creative one was Sahar-star my vote will absoulotly go to her ;)

Zerobeth said...

I also found Sahar-star's outfit very unique and she got my vote.
All outfits look great though :)

lady__gagaa said...

wonderful dress, and really good outfits. i voted for zaixhi, simple and beautiful :)

nicole24-7 said...

Cute as always! good luck, everyone! :D

Maddy/maddy65 said...

I love all the outfits!
Great job guys :)

Emma said...

so many good ones! i voted for kirbybabey :)

Eva said...

Woow people made such great outfits with the dress. I loved whitney333's cause she combined hot purple with creamy beige and houpisonfire's cause hers looks really soooo unique and FAB! ♥

Ameena said...

I love Houpisonfire's outfit. It's so unique and beautiful!


Cherri Blossom said...

so many ppl did a great job! so creative aswell its hard to decide on who to voted for...

FabuleuxChique said...
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Daisy April Smith said...

Ooh, hot outfits !! (:

But ii qive my vote to KirbyBaby :D
Well done (:

FabuleuxChique said...

I love this dress, i bought it the minute I laid my eyes on it :) its perfect, simple yet its outstanding in a way that u just cant pass it without noticing.

I actually dont have any favorite but if it came to which one I prefer better, it would be greenground, This dress was to be worn simple, but still make u look outstanding but I love that she mixed it up with something else and still she pull it off,. though if she would have gone with a much more sophisticated hair style and a much better pumps it would have looked much much more better :D
All the others just look waay too over the top which makes it look like they were trying too hard,.


Samantha Tyler said...

great, I'm on :D thank you !!!

whitney333 said...

Thanks for adding me :) I know my it's to simple to win , but thanks for everbody who vote for me . I voted for Houpisonfire, because whole outfit is just stunning and unique :)

Ooglefish said...

I don't like this dress much - it's not very versatile and it was difficult to choose but i did, so good luck! :)

Mailgirl101 said...

I think the dress is nice and cheap. Only my ss is running out and im broke. ):

Pandora J ♥ said...

I voted for Allan991 :D I adore her outfit :] And I really like HopIsOnFire's oufit,it's...unusual xD
Other otfits are just good.


_funnyprincess_ said...

I voted in HoupIsOnFire, she made a beautiful outfit, it is so creative!

Miss M said...

My fav. is greenground's. I just love the way two dresses look as though they're one! But Houpisonfire and Kittypower_5 came really close...

Anonymous said...

won't tell my favorite :P lol
i had quite many faves in this poll =)
good job everybody (:

Rab92 said...

GreenGrounds Has Won My Vote.
I Wish Her, And Everyone Else, The Best Of Luck!


Abigail [: said...

I really love HouplsOnFire's outfit... Very elegant and bright!

Lea said...

Good job for all.. And 1 of the best will win..

Melissakuh said...

There are many good outfits! I think HoupisOnFire is a very good one, very funny! And I also loved Allan91 (is that right).

talonofthehawk said...

Voted. (:

talonofthehawk said...

I love Saharstar`s hair! *O*

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