Saturday, March 6, 2010

Open Debate

So after I posted about the Profile about Balmain, I noticed a few comments, which suggested that Christophe is not adding a lot to his collections; that he is using same bold colors to his collections, whether it was spring or fall.

Take a look at these three outfits from his Spring '10 collection:

Sasha Pivovarova (left), Anna Selezneva (middle), Constance Jablonski (right)

And here is the three of his latest Fall '10 collection:Freja Beha Erichsen (left), Maryna Linchuk (middle), Constance Jablonski (right)

So What do you think, Is Christophe Decarnin loosing his touch?

This is an open debate, If you wish to participate just leave a comment...



thanu said...
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thatgirlsophy said...

no just because he uses the same colors, doesnt mean his designs & creations arent great. Personally, i love all of them! Its his style and when you see them, you KNOW its a Balmain dress.

thanu said...

in my opinion, it looks as if the same just a small difference.
but then again, the clothes are fabulous! just need a little sumthin to create the next best thing!!!

Gabby1822 (Henna) said...

In ever designer line there is always going to be that signature look and style of how they make their clothes and both collection look kinda similiar,but the structure and how the silohette is shaped is a little bit different. A designer can still use the same colors and style,but the inspiration for the design can be created and seen in a new way.

john2_el_mejor said...

That´s true.
I like the Fall 2010 collection but the Spring 2010 collection is horrendous.

You can see how Balmain is loosing in the editorials of Vogue and other Magazines.

Waveo said...

I don´t know, because Balmain has this rock-glam style, and this clothes are just small different. Whatever, many designers make a big change with there next collection, and that´s not wrong!
Only because we are thinking about big brands like Chanel or D&G, wich make a new style with each collection, it doesn´t matter what a big difference a collcetion has!!!

Lillyandmile/Lilly said...

but the outfits are new.. they just seem old with the same colours i guess :)
i still like em

Anonymous said...

NO ! o.O
I don't think that at all ! :)

Eva said...

Well I don't think so. The colours and some shapes are similiar but this only shows us that he has his very own style that he follows through all the collections. Although I think that black and gold are more appropriate for winter and spring than summer - this summer is gonna be in fancy colours such as pink, yellow and green but that's not the theme of debate :P

Selina/fig36 said...

They look kind of similar but I still love them! I love the look with the metallic colors and black and gold!

Anonymous said...

I agree.
Both collections are same, only few things are different, BUT - I love his work. He has his own style, thats all.


Kirbybabey said...

That is his style though, if it werent like that, you wouldnt be able to tell its balmain and people might think its just high street brand x

Olivia said...

Just because he is using the same color palette doesn't make him a bad designer. I like that his 2010 collections have symmetry and clear connections. It makes it clear that the pieces are by the same person, which is what a designer should want. You want to be known for something, and Christophe definitely provides us something to associate him with. All are beautiful dresses. I want them on Stardoll! :)

xox Olio262

Isa said...

He always uses the same colours.

CommesDesGarcon (Gia Heatherette) said...

Wow there isn't much difference as far as my naked eye can tell. Looks like he just added sleeves for the fall. Still lovely clothing though.

XoXo Gia

lady__gagaa said...

the clothes are the same colors, but they're not that same! however, those clothes are gorg. also i like black and gold, so they look beautiful to me :) i especially love the third outfit from the spring collection, and like i said, the first outfit of the fall collection :)

Tiina--- said...

Well they DO look like the're from the same collection by the colors :) but the outfits are different x

Anonymous said...

In all his collections he has shoulder pads! CHANGE IT UP!

Chicago3 said...

No, I do not think so. He is using the same elements and expressing them and using them in different manners. Every year there is winter and summer, and those don't get old, so why should colors?

cheerleader2648 said...

They look the same but there is also a difference, he could use more colors.

gaby-052 said...

i think the clothes are fabulous they seem kinda the same but at the same time not!

Anonymous said...

Candyman981 says...

I agree w/ Waveo. Who says creating a new look ech time is right? Eech brand should have their own way of things, and if this is Balmains way, then let it be.

Ashley1michelle said...

I like them all though!!!

The 2nd one is LE,right?

Shayan. said...

look at his ss 2010 colection compared to the colours user in this fw collection. There are barely and similarities. And balmain has a signature siluette and they should stick buy it, Alice is crazy.

lipgloss_babe91 said...

wow yes extremely similar and if you look closely not just in colour xXxXx

Faustina F said...

True true...
But I still think the clothes are gorgeous...

Anonymous said...

I really loved the Spring collection,
the fall collection is nice too though. i don't think he is losing his touch i think that I like the style of the dresses in the Spring collection.
It is all about opinion


Someone said...

Well , being a designer is not just making clothes , if you really want to be a designer which everyone talks about you should add something new and unique .. and eventhough i didn't mean that i dont like his collection of his designes i just meant it's so boring to see the same thing going on with every designer , but i still love some piecies...

Chicago3 said...

@K_E_O_S_H_A-But also as a designer, one should have signatures and pieces that are known to the name of the brand, not just clothes that are completely different each season

kashka_luv said...

Okay I had a good look at both collections and this is what I think:

Though they have similar colours I actually think they are quite differant, the spring is gold/bronze/black/army green while the fall is gold/purple/blue/black (and a tiny bit of red) these coolour combinations are quite differant.

The fall collection includes flared pants (*shudders*) and skinny pants, while the spring only includes skinny ones.

The srping collection has no long dresses while the fall has 3.

The 'power shoulder' features more in the fall collection in both jackets and dresses. The spring collection mostly has this look on jackets only.

On a note about the power shoulder look it has been featuring since spring 2009, it may be a signiture but seriously...?

nicole24-7 said...

The colors are definitely similar, but I don't think any of that matters. Every piece is gorgeous! Let's all just agree on that haha :)

Anonymous said...

the House of Balmain was always known for its quirky designs and exquisite embelishments and embroidery, and Christophe Decarnin has taken that legacy and made it appealing to young people. Maybe tha editorials are dripping Balmain, but you can see people in the streets are wearing Balmain...

I personally loved this Collection. It has gone from a sloppy Spring 2010 to a classier Fall 2010. I loved this Baroque 'n Roll theme, and how Decarnin mixed damask prints with studs, 80s silhouettes and fabrics with edgier touches. I think Balmain will keep getting better and better, even though with the latest Spring 2010 mishap.

Cherri Blossom said...

i agree there is nothing new.. just gold, black, beige and glitter mabey he's is not loosing his touch but playing it safe.. many designers are doing that nowadays i wish someone can stand out again like mcqueen!

Pandora J ♥ said...

The colours are much alike,but what's the problem? The clothes is amazing,as always. The designers don't need to make impossible clothes,they don't need to change their style every year...But that's my opinion.
I mean,designers designed almost everything we can imagine,and even more,so it's kinda hard to make something new! We shouldn't judge them...:S


RihannyX said...

They're maybe a little similiar, but they are from the same designer...

But i can see the similiarity straight away...=/

Unknown said...

Well, maybe he is out of imagination...

No-one in particular said...

I guess they are a bit similar but its only the colours & materials..
Maybe its in fashion now?
I dunno xP

Daisy April Smith said...

I think that his designs are outstanding, and I love them, but ii think it's the fact that he uses the same colours over and over again, so even the designs that are so nice kind of loose their 'amazing-ness' because the use of the same colours :P

Melissakuh said...

I think all six looks could belong to the same collection. So, I guess it is quite the same.
But I don't know. Maybe he had still inspiration to do more clothes of that first collection, but you can make a collection endless. Maybe he wanted to use that inspiration in the next season?

ADJAJA/Anna said...

I don't think he is. Just because he uses "similar" pieces in different *seasoned collections, doesn't mean the art and the skill out of them is diminished.

See how beautiful and wonderful they are? Regardless of the fact that they might have been used before, they are still genius.

*pardon my use of the word, it doesn't quite fit right, but I didn't know what would.

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