Sunday, March 7, 2010


Thanks niuniu56  for telling me there is new Archive out! Guess what, there is an old hb there. This Giorgio Armani dress from December 2007 is selling for $10sd. So if you weren't on Stardollthen or you just didn't get's your chance!

 Thanks Hotbuys Heaven for the pictures

Also there is a Alexander McQueen jacket from fall 2008. The price is $6sd.


Chicago3 said...

I never did get to buy the dress the first time around, so yah! But it is unfair that Stardoll is realising rares ONCE again :(

BTW-The new rchive shop isn't showing up for me?

gaby-052 said...

like chicago i never got that dress i think im going to get it now!

Lucie/lgap said...

I wasn't SS when the dress first came around, & I'm not SS at the moment, tough luck!
But, it's so RARE, it shouldn't have been released again, it's just criminal!
Nice, Stardoll-.-
But the dress is gorgeous, & the blazer was free, so I'm sure a lot of people have it already.

Lillyandmile/Lilly said...

ill only buy the mcqueen things :)
i have to use a proxy to get the shop?
3 am now lol

CommesDesGarcon (Gia Heatherette) said...

I swear its like lately if it wasnt for this bog I wouldnt know whats happening in the stardoll shop. I love the new stuff. Bought all of

xoxo Gia

Cherri Blossom said...

i had both the items before but sold them i dont think they are worth buying now.. since i remember there was a glitch with jacket And you could buy it free

cookie9988 said...

It's exciting that the dress is back but i don't think it is fair for all of the people who have paid lots or traded another rare for it to come out again..

Mihaela said...

Cool,I love the blazer.
But still,it`s unfair for some members.:/

Katarina aka Dimitsuri said...

I buy the Giorgio Armani's dress.

I wasn't on stardoll when this dress out the first time, so thank u stardoll for a nice surprise (:

whitney333 said...

I agree with cookie9988 . They pay a lot money for RARES , and stardoll is giving them in archive again :S

Eva said...

Well, I didn't have a chance to get it before, so it's good news for me but for those who paid hundreds for it, it's really unfair!

katara4 said...

i wasnt a member when it had come out,...
i'm not sure if i should buy it or not...

Evita.Sweet said...

Dress is just stunning! I wasnt on stardoll then, so ill buy it now for sure. :)

Pandora J ♥ said...

Aaaaah thank you God!
And I'm about to be SS again so....:DDDDD


Pandora J ♥ said...

I just bought that old HB dress...but Idk will I be buying that Alexander McQueen jacket :D


Tiina--- said...

to Chicago3: The new dress is in the new items too :)
I like the dress, pink and black are great together!

Anonymous said...

I've never liked that black dress actually :D I don't know why...
I love that jacket but I already have it...I got it for free once :)

Anonymous said...

the jacket is part of a dress by Moschino actually, check out seenonsd :)

Melissakuh said...

I was already on Stardoll when both items came out. I have the jacket, and I think I got it for free even. lol
But I don't think bought the dress. I wasn't really interested in it, and now I'm not really interested in it either.

Ruth said...

I hate when stardoll realise the rares,
but as I had sold this dress, I'm happy to get it again [:

Kirbybabey said...

Im buying it xxxx

lipgloss_babe91 said...

Looking in archive when its been re-stocked is a nail biting experience for us all i think lol xD

No-one in particular said...

Yay awesome :D

I sold that dress for 1SD ages ago xP

Tinkerbells -- Ada said...

I've been looking for that dress since long time ago... so in one hand I'm happy bc I can get it now... but in the other I still thinking its not fair for pp who spent money on it.. :/

Oh about the black jacket I think it was available long time ago for free.. (some stardoll glitch or sth)

lady__gagaa said...

oh, i know this dress. i actually don't like it at all, no matter it was rare or i don't know what. and the mcqueen jacket is okay...just a jacket.

Unknown said...

I don't like very much that dress :/

Chicago3 said...

@Tiina--- Thanks! I just realized that seconds after my post lol.

Anónimo said...

wow! i didn't know this was an old hb! i didn't bought it and now my ss end! tks anyway

Ashley1michelle said...

Whenever I want one RARE so bad and I'm about to buy it,they release it in the Archive and then I don't feel like buying it anymore,I hate it when they do that!
I hope that they don't release the Kylie Lotto Dress! -_-

Daisy April Smith said...

Ooh .. if only I was superstar :O

And the McQueen jacket .. I used to own it, but sold it :P


Someone said...

I've bought the dress and got that blazer for free.

ADJAJA/Anna said...

I like the real life jumpsuit!

Sierra Lang (iswim19) said...

One correction - the dress it was worn by is Zhang Ziyi. Just letting you guys know. :}

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