Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Have you noticed this?... Is The Gossip Dish really Star_Awards?

I was just reading a post by Dimitri on The Noise Pop Blog and he noticed something that's now making me wonder....

On a post written by The Gossip Dish Saturday...she said this:

If you haven't heard Star_Awards is putting on her awards ceremony one last time. She even set up a club called SAanniversary, but in the club I notice something on her Managers list, which I'm assuming is the so called "committee."

I noticed Fakeshake3 on the list. Ellie and Vanessa have been enemies since drama led to the demise of the awards ceremony. To make the long story short, Vanessa had fired Ellie from the organization that helped put together the official nominations because Ellie started using the position has a bribe to get what she wanted. Ellie and her pals then began to crash the awards ceremony, and at the end the awards were never the same once.

And now it seems Ellie is taking part of the awards ceremony coming up. But a source close to Ellie is stating that the only reason Vanessa is letting Ellie back on the committee is because Ellie is blackmailing her, because Ellie has damaging info of Vanessa.


Ok..well if your like me you only half read it and said whatever....but here's what we didn't notice. As Dimitri points out, look at the screen print! It shows the arrows and the block symbols that you ONLY see if you own the club!

So here's the obvious question...IS THE GOSSIP DISH'S REAL IDENTITY STAR_AWARDS???

We know that The Gossip Dish/ Mia Monroe is an alias for someone else on Stardoll. See what she says here:

If that is the case then I guess this whole post was cooked up to bring more attention and drama to the Star Awards Ceremony! OR... Hahaha maybe the whole thing is true and Fakeshake3/Ellie is blackmailing Star_Awards/Vanessa/Linda because she knows her new secret...that she's The Gossip Dish. :O "Things that make go hmm hmm hmm"


Credit: The Noise Pop Blog and The Gossip Dish


*future*celeb*/Ally said...

Jenna! its the REAL *future*celeb*! please just listen to me! I did NOT leave you that nasty comment on your last post. I would NEVER discredit you like that on your own blog. Someone is using my name and is framing me. Personally, I am shocked that something like this would happen! I mean what is this world coming to?? I would though like to formally apologize for my anger when you refused to accept my contest entry. It was very immature and I am sorry. But I did NOT post that comment and I am furious at the person that did. Hopefully you will read this and believe me. Yours, *future*celeb*

nicole24-7 said...

Wow, stardoll gossip is so confusing :p
hahaha. Secretsss!
ohhh :O

Anonymous said...

woahh. that's a lot of information. i'm not really sure what to say about this. lol.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

I do know that you were the one leaving messages in my gb from different accounts, but if that is not you that left the nasty messages on my blog then I accept your apology and I apologize as well.

I do not normally speak that way, but I was a bit fed up with the whole situation

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I think it is Star_Awards. Really, who else would be able to see the arrows? But I don't want to point fingers that she could be Mia Monroe. But still, it's strange; it would be impossible for Miss Mia Monroe to see arrows for the club.

Gossip has a touch of mystery.


thatgirlsophy said...

um.... i need a minute to
may take more than a minute ;)

Anonymous said...

fakeshake3 is a terrible person.

bobdude123 said...

i'm sorry... i idn't understand a single sentence of that. do u have to know about past drama to understand???

Ameena said...

Like Emii said, I don't really know what to say about this lol!


Melissakuh said...

I don't quite get it, it's quite confusing ..
But actually I don't care about all the drama and gossip!
Stardoll should be fun! I know this drama is fun for some people though, but not for me ..


xxxxxqueenxxxxx said...

Maybe, or Ellie is blackmailing Star_Awards, so she decided to send that photo to TheGossipDish :S

kristintholl said...

Wow stardoll drama i wonder hhow they realy are outside their stardoll world,, have you guys also notced that Ellie has alot of RC clothes and wounderd if she got them out of black mailing to,,,

RihannyX said...

I can't really say anything, because i don't really know them or anything..
But at there is Finally some gossip..secrets.....xD

_kool_kat_1 said...

that is seriously confusing!!! but i know that ellie and Star awards hve been enimes but wats going on!!

and if its this much drama on stardoll imagine there real lifes!

BrunoExclusive said...

Well i don't think Vanessa is Mia

Caroline said...

Ooh interesting...
So much gossip!
Caroline [crazycaz07]

sd_is_da_best / Sinead said...

One word: drama and maybe a few more aswell because i really can't help myself... Maybe they have made friends again??? Ayone ever think about that??? Maybe there is no blackmail..etc... etc... involved

Lillyandmile/Lilly said...

yes! finally some drama! lol... interesting :)

Miss_LolitaF said...

i heard it too

ellie is balckmailing her

a girl said me that is sth about vannessas private life

who knows

Rab92 said...

Doesn`t Bother Me To Be Honest... Nothing Bothers Me When It Comes To These Little Agruments.


Anonymous said...

All these people are major Idiots who have no lives, infact boycott the Star Awards ! Fakeshake3 is a stupid attension seeker while Star_awards is a pile of crap who wants fans desperatly. Why are you even bloging about this.... These people are really sad people

ADJAJA/Anna said...

Eh I don't really care about star_awards' gossip, but this is pretty interesting!

Anonymous said...

ADJAJA/Anna - same here

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