Friday, October 16, 2009

New 'Huntress' styled outfits!

Hello! I'm Aaliyah, AKA hip-hop-girl123, and I have the privilege to write for this blog for one month!

Anyway, to the point. I've seen a lot of halloween-themed accessories lately, and they are extremely cheap! You can see them in the new items section, or Tingeling.

So, what do you think? Will you be buying anything?
I totally will!



Aaliyah/hip-hop-girl123 [On SD] said...

Oh, and BTW, Does it enlarge when you click it? It doesn't on my computer, I need to know how to fix that.

Mihaela said...

I will!!!This baroque dress..vampire tube dress.....

graceless said...

too bad stardoll can't come up with something new, they just use the old costumes instead.

sezena. said...



ILoveWicked. said...

Already bought some of it, with the intention of buying more! ;) love itt!

and no, it doesn't on my computer eitherrr :/


Anonymous said...

I will be buying some :]

And no, the picture does not enlarge on my computer. Sometimes that happens when I post a picture up on my blog. Idk why it does that and idk how to fix it upload the pic??

nicole24-7 said...

I am going to buy some stuff since it isn't too expensive :)

ADJAJA/Anna said...

I bought some masks and the wig, but the harlequin mask didn't arrive in my suite?!

Ruth said...

Well I have most of all of those from last year and some from even year before last year :D

I don't enjoy fact that they put old clothes on starplaza again [:

peace_oglory said...

I'm glad the baroque costume is back!

Maddy/maddy65 said...

I love it!
Im am buying some :)

BrunoExclusive said...

I don't think so i will try to do my custume with things that i have

Rab92 said...

I Already Seen Them. Some Are What I`d Buy, But I Already Have My Costume Sorted Out.


filipinhamaria said...

I love the baroque dress, but why dont stardoll release new pieces.

KristenPark said...

nice but ive seen them a year ago...

pinkpoppy212 said...

I know! Baroque coat for $3 and non-SS? So buying it! It's old, yeah, but I didn't have it before, so yay!
I want to buy the pink neck-scarf thing too, it could be cute with the right outfit.

_kool_kat_1 said...

its mostly re-release ..but some new stuff to!

Aaliyah/hip-hop-girl123 [On SD] said...

I agree with you guys - new items would be cool

xxxxxqueenxxxxx said...

I'll buy some items, but I remember pretty good that those Barouque Items were really rare :s

Athena said...

I will some of them

katara4 said...

maybe i'll buy some of them... ^^

Anonymous said...

shame they're old, but they're still cool :D

Regina said...

i've already had some of them :) every halloween they have these clothes xD

Melissakuh said...

I really like the blue halter dress! =)
And the skin coloured bow is also very nice!

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