Sunday, September 13, 2009

Did you see the VMA Awards?

What was up with Kanye West????

He totally ruined Taylor Swift's Moment. I like Kanye, but that was wrong! I thought it was so disrespectful! It was her 1st one too.

If you don't know what happened..right in the middle of Taylor's acceptance speech for Best Female Video, he takes the mike and says I'm sorry, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time.

But, Beyonce being the AMAZING, classy person she is (I love her!) gave Taylor her moment when she won Video of the Year. They both handled themselves with beauty and grace.

Unfortunately I didn't get to see it all. I missed parts of the incredible tribute to Michael Jackson. I saw Janet Jackson come out and sing one of his songs when they replayed it! She did a fabulous job!

What did you think?


Kc said...

I felt soo bad for Taylor, it was her moment and he totally wreaked it, hes such a dummy!! But Beyonce was soo nice to call Taylor on stage after words.

Janet's performance was just fantastic!!

Jaz said...

poor Taylor, Kanye destroyed her moment!! she deserve respect as a human she is!! i hate Kanye right now!! >:/

bobdude123 said...

didn't see it but what a twat!!!

Fashion.Fantasy said...

I wanted to see it, but it would be at like 3 in the night for me. It sucks that Kanye did that, why didnt he just let her have her moment? Also did anyone see Justin Bieber on the VMA's?

Cherri Blossom said...

it sucks! i missed it!! but what u said 'bout taylor , i can't belive kanye did that .. no offense but he has a really big ego.. and that picture! look at taylo's face.. it says it all!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the VMA yet,, I always hate Kayne West and now I've the confirmation -.-
Between Beyoncè has won a lot of prizes if she soesn't win for one's the end of the world.

Katherine9870 said...

In nz its on tonight! It sounds really awesome!!

rebelqueen101 said...

i coudnt c it cos in my time zone it started at 2 am so im watching parts of it on youtube!! that was so rude wat he did to taylor i <3 her shes amazing!!

xx (:

BrunoExclusive said...

Oh i was right i told my mom that vmas was last night but in my country it start when in your is probably finishing it doesn't mean it start when it is in the midlle but it's all because of the country changes of time

Уαsмıиe♥ said...

He is so ignorant, you don't do those stuff to people - especially in their faces.

Rab92 said...

I`m Going To Watch It Tonight - That`s When It`s On In The Uk.

I Can`t Believe Kanye Done That. Their Was No Need For It, Ok Beyonce Does Amazing Things & She Probs Did Deserve To Win But Kanye Had No Right In Doing That!
I Feel Sorry For Taylor...


Cali_Beauty said...

Even though I HATE Taylor Swift I prefer her winning than Beyonce because at least she covers her stuff.
I never liked him or TS but he just gave us some more things to laugh about! haha

Aaliyah/hip-hop-girl123 [On SD] said...

Poor Taylor... thats so bad! How could he do that?
Im so glad beyonce stuck up for her :]

Regina said...

i didn't see it because it was at the middle of the night here in London.. poor Taylor.. i agree that Beyonce has good music videos but if Taylor won it, kanye wouldn't have to say a word!

AnĂłnimo said...

he was drunk!!! i felt so bad for her!

Shop-O-Holic-X said...

I feel sorry for Taylor. kayne was really disrespectful. He shouldn't have done that!

Laura said...

Oh my God, i didn't know what you were talking about so i searched it on youtube, that was so mean, she was baiscally speechless after that!
DAMN KANYE that was soooo mean!

Anonymous said...

i feel sorry for taylor thats so rude of Kanye to do that. Plus Beyonce will always be a star but its about time someone took over.

smoothielove said...

It was in the middle of the night in sweden :( But I think I'm gonna see the replay of it xD Mostly for Janet & The MJ tribute!

film_enthusiast said...

im surprised none of you have mentioned lady gaga's outfit, whats with he crown and it covering her face? it was just gross
and yes, i feel soo sorry for taylor, i an see he was sticking up for beyonce, but there is a time and a place, he should have kept it to himself

Anonymous said...

I couldn't see it, shame :(
But I will see it :P

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Yeah I saw Lady Gaga. Her outfit/performance was over the top, but else can we expect from her..

xoxo said...

haha kanye doing
what he does best (:
i love him but you
can't really do things like
that tbh he is a bit ott.
i must watch the vma's :D


~Saku~ said...

Kanye is becoming a show off bastard. I don't like either of them, but wow why couldn't he let Taylor have her moment! I didn't see the show, but Lady Gaga is known for being out there, but she may be too far out there for being "different".

Beyonce not my thing, but I give her props for what she did.


GiveLoveAChance said...

Dude, I like Kayne but I was like wtf? She's a friggen 19 year old, let her have her damn moment! I loved her so much but that looked like it crushed her!
Maybe he does think that Beyonce did but he just made himself look like a douche to be honest and Beyonce didn't win. I thought it was really nice of Beyonce to let her on stage! :) Plus I love the song Sing Ladies.

talonofthehawk said...

I watched it!
Kanye West was so mean!
Taylor was just standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to say.
I heard that she was crying backstage and that Kanye got escorted out.
OHMYGOSH! Poor Taylor!
But Beyonce, she`s amazing, she was
so nice, she gave the mic to Taylor.

Wow.. Lady Gaga..
Just.. Wowww.
I think she had like, 3 outfit
changes, and every single one
of her outfits was outrageous!
I mean, it was just crazy!
Her red outfit was.. interesting..
And after she received her award,
she went and changed her outfit
Her performance was great, but I
could easily tell that she was
The thing with the blood was so crazy!

I liked P!nk`s performance, good
acrobatic skills.
Greenday was good, I was glad they
won for best Rock Video. I wanted
Paramore to win too though. xD
And Russell Brand`s pants were
waaaaay too tight. Lol.
They showed a little bit of the
All-American Rejects.
Tyson`s sparkles were.. er..
sparkly.. o.O

Cobra Starship was there,
which was definitely awesome!
They should`ve won for Best Pop
Video. Britney wins too many things. xD

Overall, the VMAs were awesome. :]

[Haha, loooong post. xD]


amy235 said...

i feel bad for taylor.

sobediva said...

i'm not the bigest fan of taylor swift but i have to agree i thought it was very rude of him to do that, especially since it was her moment to shine and he had to steal it frum her:(

Prikazna said...

For Kanye West I don't have a comment
But I liked the outfits of Lady GaGa...
and Beyonce she was amazing!!!


dam552 said...

Apparently Kanye has apologized to Taylor but you still have to wonder " What was he Thinking".

Maddy/maddy65 said...

That was so rude of Kanye!
He should of let Taylor have her moment!
At least Beyonce was so generous and let Taylor come up and say her speech :]

Unknown said...

I personally DO NOT like Taylor Swift...AT ALL. But Kanye was just being a jerk and maybe trying to impress Beyonce or something. He ws a total jerk though.

Tiina--- said...

All the Kanye fans just say " hes got balls to say that" I think there is nothing cool about embarassing a 19 year old girl when she won her first big award..?

hanastacia-M said...

I used to like Kanye West, but not now...

I love Taylor Swift.

katsachocoholic said...

I know! Poor Taylor didn't know what to say after Kanye went up and said that! Beyoncé was great though, bringing Taylor up onto the stage with her.

Anonymous said...

It was so mean.
She almost cried.
OMG beyoncé is soo nice!
And kanye? how can someone be so cruel?
He's just looking for attention.
Maybe beyoncé was better.
But SHE won.
Let her have 1 moment for herself.
Im pissed of at kanye.
I hope when he gets a award next time it will happen to him.
I want to see him cry like the baby he is.
taylor had 1 moment in the spotlights and he took it away.
Kanye just grow-up like how old are u?
Let me guess 2?

sorry for the long post XD
Its all for the 2 year old.

Honey_Melody said...

That wasn't very classy of him to ruin Taylor's moment like that. If he felt so inclined to say something nice about Beyonce, he could have chosen a better time to say it! (Like NOT when Taylor was giving her acceptance speech!) What he did was totally rude!

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